Monday, February 06, 2012

On Dictators and Peace

There has been a wave of over-thrown dictators and authoritarian figures around the world. Before one plunges into the nostalgia of having a simple understanding of which one man [or one group], one voice, one order, one must understand how did this idea of orderly society came about especially in the emerging societies or nations whom have attained nation-hood in the last 50 years or so.

After the world war, there was a wave of anti-colonial sentiment of which swept across the world especially those in ex-colonial states- in Africa and in Asia. The stability of brought about by a legitimized order- those of colonial masters and that of it’s subjects were put into question. Ideas of nationhood and self-rule coupled with revolutionary strands of communism upset this order. At the same time, the ex-colonial masters recovering from a crippling war were unable to make a stand in the maelstrom of ideological fervour and the inadequacy of the so-called Western “Powers”.

Hence post-war Asia and Africa were volatile and unstable- up till the 1970s. Quite a number of nations attained their statehood during this period of 1950s to 1960s and after the ex-colonial masters left, with the existing order upset- a new one emerges to fill up this vacuum. Hence from Northern Africa right up to South-East Asia, the idea of an authoritarian leader coupled with support from the military and police imposed their ideals and policed a new system in each nation. Hence invariably, all new nations that arise from these ashes had a military-like figure as it’s head to put in a simply understood order in an otherwise chaotic times- I[or we] am/are the boss- everyone else has to listen to me.

From Suharto right up to the recently deceased Gaddafi, these are figure-heads that symbolizes the “dictator-like” figure in all of these nations at this point in time. At the same time, these figure-heads formed a functional utility as well- they formed a simple head of which a nation relies upon. If these nations were to follow the diversified and fragmented political picture of mature societies with well-understood class systems and time-honoured rituals and traditions like in Europe and America- it would collapse under the weight of a thousand voices with no clear direction. It would be like a recently-released herd with no clear direction heading towards the cliff.

Hence up until recent times, the idea of a father-head figure is still etched in the social memory of many citizens of these newly-minted nations. Therefore, it is no wonder that there is still nostalgia attached to personalities of which that have heavily shaped nations since it’s infancy stage.

But in current times, the idea of “one-man or one group ruling it all” has lost quite alot of salience among the younger set whom might not have seen the need for hierarchical order during it’s more chaotic days. But rather from the world-view of a person of the Gen X or Gen Y, these rather privileged status of a certain group of people smacks of “inequitable elitism”- which sees themselves more “functionally” suited for the present system than the older set who arm themselves with “organizational knowledge” or understanding of the present system and it’s relationships.

It is no wonder that across the world- quite a number of previous “dictators” and “authoritarian” figures have been over-thrown because to a certain degree, they are longer useful in these times of peace and general consensus on social interaction.

To a certain degree as well, they might prove to be a liability in the prevailing order as well- as they attempt to impose their will forcefully like the early critical years- and therefore quite illegitimately- in quite stable times.

Traditions, culture, consensus and national identity have generally been built up over the past few decades- and this has entrenched itself into quite a number of citizens in these relatively young nations. This has brought social stability as well as economic prosperity to these nations as well over the last few decades.

Therefore, it is no wonder that the “dictator-like” figure with an iron-will appears to be out of vogue in these rather stable and prosperous times but rather one which bridges divisiveness, classes and interests appear to be what is needed in these times of stability.


This is a personal opinion and does not represent any organization. It would therefore be foolhardy to take it upon yourself as an ideal without taking into consideration local and indigenous factors. I would not bear any responsibility for any actions taken as a result of the above thesis

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