Wednesday, November 28, 2012

On life

Shopping malls and cinemas exist only because lush fields with sweeping meadows doesn't. Cheap flights exist only because internet exist. A hypermarket exist because we don't we grow our own food.

We keep animals as pets because we have no use for them. We buy expensive clothes to wear to office because comfort is not the most important criteria.

We are relieve from these not by choice but by circumstances.

Paint a scenario where life is computer game and you could always restart all over again when you"die". Would you live the life that you are living now?

When if you are not living the life that you want to life, why are you still sticking with it? Are you afraid- what are you afraid of? How likely is that going happen- and what if I tell, you can always press the "restart" at any point in time, would you do what you want to do?

So why do you visit the shopping malls so often when it is always the same old brands- just in another location? Why do you travel so often if you are genuinely happy- because you can. Why do it- just because you can? But, can doesn't mean you should or you must- hence why do it, when you visit the same old stores all the time? If life is computer game, would you be visiting the malls all the time in your "sim-city"? Then why are you doing it?

What are you afraid of really- living?

And if one day, someone open up your heart and ask you- what does it contain: how would you answer? And if your life is a computer game with a "restart" button anytime: would your heart be different from reality? And if I tell you that this computer game is going to dictate your life forever after playing your game: how would you play your game- would you regret doing what you did?

And now I tell you, you cannot play the game anymore: you have made your choice and this is what you have chosen- how then would you live your life: forever pining for the playing the computer game or you just moved on; or do you play life's real games.

Life is a computer game and a life and death game at the same time: you play and then lived by it. You have a choice or you don't at all. Your choice.

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