Monday, December 31, 2012

I am a fun, interesting and adventurous- you just don't know it yet. Come and know me!!

I am really just a boring person. There is nothing absolutely interesting about me. Firstly I make logical arguments of which no one really cares- and I make a fool out of myself without really trying. How then can it be that there is anything interesting about me?

Firstly one, I do not show any interest in women who show interest in me. And secondly, they hate me for the guts and thirdly, they become embroiled in a name-calling match of which I came looking more like Frankenstein than a bored person.

I am not sure which is better, someone making salacious stories about me and making me more interesting than I really am or simply because I just am flattered with all the attention. But I'll stick with the second, I am better with that.

This has got me thinking that why I am really perceived as an extremely bored person: after some serious self-contemplation, I have made up of the following list?

1) I do not talk- it is really hard to be interesting when all I do is to stare into my hand phone and write  notes of everything else but not the important things.

2) I visit the same place over and over again- so much so that it seem that my geography is limited to these few places

3) I am really deep down, just a good boy with strong wholesome values and a beacon for everyone. I am really just too damn good that's all.

I am not sure why, even when I don't talk, there are so much laughter around me that I am wondering whether they know what I am writing in my hand phone. And then if so, it doesn't really matter whether I talk or not. They simply just laugh. Hence by this definition, I am not a boring person- regardless of whether I am the source of jokes.

2) I like to think interpretation is more important than novelty. Like the bookstore I visit quite often- they seem to know my life more than I care to remember or can remember. The placement of books is such that I get a new discovery every time I visit the place. The place remains the same, the experience I get is so different. Hence I beg to differ that novelty trumps experience- you just have to know where to look for it.

3) This is extremely debatable. You see a good boy with strong wholesome values can be just as interesting. Like I say, I mind my own business and two I get new experiences every single day, who say, a guy with strong wholesome values is boring- I say screw this stereotype. Apologies, pardon my French [ I absolutely mean it].

Having brought down the particular stereotype, I have nothing but perfect admiration for myself and therefore I like to conclude that I am really the most interesting person in the world- hence whoever that intends to think otherwise- can kiss my ass. [ figuratively speaking of course- I am strong guy with good wholesome values remember.]


Enjoy the last day of the year while it still lasts.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

High and Low

A disrespect for a personal space and time is symptomatic of a culture which is ineffective in progressing beyond mere possession. In public space, noise travel and everything is within a glance or a earshot. Just because we owned something or allowed to do so, doesn't mean that one has the right to do so. Civilization has progressed such a way that we are able to artfully communicate a message without the need to rouse a disturbance. And in so doing otherwise, norms are not established and it's rules are rudimentary and crude in nature.

In Switzerland, one is barred from flushing the toilet after a certain time for fear of waking up the neighbours. But in many countries, many people are pleased to do whatever they please just because they own a particular piece of property.

There is no manner of high or low culture in this particular respect. This not an appreciation in the difference between Mattise and Renoir, this is a manner doing of how you wish to communicate in a manner that is not unruffling. And it does not take a diplomat to constantly speak in political correct tones- this is just a manner of if you were doing something, would you want to disturb or be told in a certain manner.

It would seem the above would raise the question of the dichotomous nature masculinity and feminist. But tell any politician or successful business person, and they will you that this is an act. A politician with brute force is not one, a business person with sheer weight will only work in almost non-existent monopolistic environment.

An army general with no clue of the skilled art of diplomacy will ruffle the feathers of those in S1 and intelligence department- who will tell you that it is not as simple as sending your tanks over to find out intel about your enemy or procuring for new weapons.

Anybody in this particular aspect whom have no respect for personal property and the possible affliction caused by the frivolous actions seen by one's rather parochial worldview is one whom has not acquire the art being heard without being heard or being seen without being seen. Insofar, that in many aspects, the progress of many culture in spite of much lauded economic success has not kept pace with each other. There is a difference between status and being rich- these are not collapsed together. Any self-made man would tell you this- it is those that have not make it that would tell you otherwise.

Being "social"

There are some whom have confused with "being social" and "sociable". Being social means observing social norms but keeping a distance but "sociable" means the act of being social- or actually doing the act of enjoying mixing around.

Take for example, I socialize around people that I might not like but I have to- for posterity sake- for the appearance of being well-liked and one always stand outside of oneself- always finding ways of fitting in-. Therefore one can be social without being "sociable" in this sense.

One in effect can be sociable without being "social". Social relationship require an awareness of social context and if one senses a negative one- the social and "sociable" one- would have to be dexterous and not committed.

At the supermarket, I was walking through the aisle, a guy zoom past me without really highlighting his presence while heading straight for the counter- this unfortunately is not an Olympiad, and there are no prizes for finishing first. You might show to your friends an extremely quick feet- navigating the crowd- but to everyone else, it is just a nuisance.

I was buying DVDs- let's just say of the bootleg nature- somewhere in the world, I was alone buying and suddenly out of nowhere, a crowd suddenly gathered around me also buying them, and this "stall" has been around for some time already. This is NOT a "social" phenomenon- and no, it does not constitute as "sociable", it might be socially permissible- but it sure is not being in line with "being social" as well. You are doing something that is condone by other's but it is not necessarily "being social" with them.

Having said that, there are some whom enjoy the act of being part of a group participating furiously in an event that is popular and well-attended, that is the nature of being a "social animal". Do not confuse the experience of "being social" with that of actually "am social". You might be enjoying yourself in a public event but the same might not be said of the person beside you.

Have you told a kid off in a playground that you are making too much noise while playing with other kids- the only difference is that you cannot tell another adult that you are making a nuisance of yourself in spite of the "self-delirium".

One might "feel" part of the group- but being "part" of a group is a whole new ball game altogether.
The whole idea of a gang is "being part of group" but would you call them "sociable" or "social". This is rhetorical question I know.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Good Bye

The God of wine is Dionysius, and pretending that you are god of wine is not going to make an immortal. If you are brave only because you don't recognize people around you, it doesn't make you brave.

In the moment, doesn't mean that you are not who you are. It means that you are so consume by something you cannot control that you are forget who you are.

It's amorphous nature is fallacious to think that we can keep it under control- you would not know the what you did today will cause a virus tomorrow, death later or stupid conflict and lastly sadness. Do not pretend that you can control what you did just because you cannot endure it. 

Do not confuse for what you are with what what you really are- do not for a second think that your rage, anger, jealousy is justified just because there is an opportunity. 

There will be repercussions- just not now. You just wait and see

Get Real

Love, hatred when one mixed into the pot is really one potent concoction. It often turns to vengeance, rage, envy and jealousy. 

At this current moment, for everyone whom have any of these emotions towards me, I have no idea what to say but why?

What really am I to you that stir these emotions towards me? If these feelings are fleeting, comes and goes- why then harbor these stinging feelings underneath the skin? In reality, it does more harm to yourself than it does to me.

If I so defined you so much, then who are you? Have no one ask this really basic question?

If I can motivate actions- be it benign or malign- who then is control of your life, you or me? In reality, you need me more than than I need you.

You need an igniter quickly, and you desperately search for one but in reality, you have no idea why you are igniting the flame for in the first place. 

The only thing that quenches your thirst for these emotions is ironically the only thing that lights you up. The actions do not quench your thirst, you have none to start with but rather what you have is a placid life of which only these fleeting moments of transcendence that allows you to go beyond your "self". You used me only to fire that humdrum life that you've called one.

You feel trapped and am trapped but you used this as compass as a beacon for the pathetic life onlyto realize   that all these is ephemeral. You don't hate me, you hate your life and yourself, and how you have turned out eventually.

I do not quench your thirst, I am the blip on the plateau on which one has to remember: I don't owe a fucking thing to you.

Really, I do hope that you get on with your life- no matter how sad and pathetic it is- because think about it, it has absolutely nothing to do with me. 

Get a mirror or therapist. Better, get a real life and stay out of my way.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Clueless Star

There are some whom want to brag and thrash talk before they have anything to shout about. There are quite a number who really means: "Empty vessel makes the most noise."

There are some whom believed that by looking good means being good. There is a saying that goes: "Face is more important than life." And it is therefore their belief to be popular at all cost.

And in order to maintain their popularity, they will do anything to maintain their face.

It is not that I don't care about face, but quite a number of people think that nobody cannot see their ruse and their act. And they think they are extremely well-liked and maintain a delusional self-image that it is almost cruel to tell them the truth.

Sometimes, it doesn't occur to them that they are well-like and popular among their peers only and anybody outside of this circle just think that they are in outer space. The only reason that they are well-liked by their peers is because they are just like that person. So therefore you would see a bunch like-minded people hanging around gaining confidence in a group when they are really nuisance to everyone around them.

And when a stranger comes up and talk to them, they freeze and they suddenly turns into mush in the most critical period.

And so everyone thinks that I am a star or "special" just because perhaps maybe I am not like them and I am just trying to be different. I am not sure whether one have considered that maybe other's can smell insecurity and desperation from the way one acts and it can really makes another person very uncomfortable just being around that person.

I am not sure whether anyone have considered that I am ignoring that person just so that one will not make a further fool of themselves by attracting a lot of unnecessary attention.

People can and will see what one does and they will react if they don't like what you are doing. Even if I don't react, somebody will, and appreciate my goodwill when you are being nuisance to everyone around you. When I ignore you, I am already helping you. When I making fun of you, I am already making things easy for you to move away.

The air we breath is the same so don't make it anymore difficult it is for yourself and everyone around you. There is no difference in the water that we drink.

If you want to be a star, start with people around you. Not with people, you don't even know.

Take Care


Sunday, December 09, 2012


The only thing that will motivate people is the push. People are in itself condemned to be led because they are quite incapable beyond responding to external stimuli.

I have never confessed to know everything but I have never said that I would have to follow if I don't know. These are two different things altogether.

It is for this reason many are condemned to be ignorant. They believe in being a master/slave, they believe in a yes/no, strong/weak, rich/poor. In reality, they lived in a world of black and white more than people believed I am calculative and rational.

If you can't be smart, then you must be stupid. If you can't be successful, then you must be a failure. If you can't be strong than you must be weak. The funniest thing is that when they are in a disadvantaged position, they readily start themselves from behind. Then they move themselves from behind- why do that?

On what basis, do you admit your weaker position?

If you don't even know why, why make other's weaker than yourself? Have you see your own reflection that there is a plane of comparison in the first place. If you better, what do you gain by making other's worse, if you are worst, what do you gain by making other's worse- in both instances nothing.

I have never once said that you should do this and you should do that- it is for the very reason that one thinks you are better than me that I will ask you, why did you ask me to do something? There is no ego, and if you can't give me an explanation or at least show to me- than on what basis would one have to start from a weaker position.

Then there is this question of good/bad and right/wrong. Only the self-righteous accuse the other's of being wrong. The right never said that they are right because they know they would get wrong someday. The funny thing is that they cover one "right" with another "right" until they believe that they are "entitled" to be right.

Nobody has a monopoly on "rightness". If you ever look yourself in the mirror and said something in self-defence, that is not "right" either. Because, you knew it was wrong and yet you did it. You will forever compensate for these internal conflict- nobody did it to you, you did it to yourself.

You cannot get over yourself precisely because you have build a mountain of inconsistencies in one's stance that you poke holes into your own psyche- thinking that building higher walls who prevent an incursion.

Some have said that I do not care for other's- the best part is that I don't even who are these people who said that. And if one have sincere intentions in highlighting the flaws- how come I don't even know are they and what basis did they say so. Are you trying to say everyone who criticize me is altruistic- and if so, the world will be a wonderful place to lived in.

I don't think that I am superior to other's but I really do pity those that continue only to chase my shadows- and it is not because I am afraid of competition, but why are you competing with me? Why do you keep on chasing your own tail when you have better things to do?

I have never liked the number 7, but sometimes people make me laugh and cry at the same time. And to stop myself from getting sad, I make fun of them but sometimes they don't get the joke and they just keep on coming.

I have no idols but I do have favourites. But I don't mixed them up together. Just because it is my favourite, doesn't mean this person can do no wrong or always do the right thing. Just because there are some admirable qualities, doesn't mean that this person is perfect.

If someone do admire me, I am doing this person a favour by distancing myself from him/her. The only way one can improve is question your weakness and not emulate or copy. The more questions being posed, the better one gets. Even if the answer is imperfect, it is almost always better than the last one.

Do not get me wrong that I dislike you or don't care about you, only by removing the idol worship quality, can one ask yourself: what is so good about this person and what should I follow and what should I not follow. That being said, don't hate me.

The more you hate me, the worst it gets for your life- when you can spend your time on more productive things.

What would you do if you were in my shoes- and if you don't enjoy that, then you have serious case of jealousy and not positive self-improvement.

One can't stop other's from doing what they do, but by doing so, you are destroying your own life and not that of other's. I have nothing to do with it, you did it to yourself. It's your life to destroy, not mine.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

The world's biggest loser

One day, a boy walked up to the mirror and look at himself. Why do I look like this and why am I in this state? He walked out sunken.

So later that day, he walked out trying to cheer himself up and then he found a smaller boy who had fell down on the road. He kicked him in his and laughed at him. And now he felt much better about himself.

When he went to school and he got the final grades for his exam. He failed and he felt even more miserable. He went back and lied to his parents that he had score very high marks just that the teacher had not distributed the papers back yet.

He felt very terrible about he himself and when he stepped out of his house, he saw a little kitten whom was stranded. He poured some oil on the little cat and lit it on fire. He was laughing as the little kitten squeaked in pain.

Lastly, what he did was to walk into his little brother's - whom was doing much better- room and poured glued into his school bag. The brother's school and home work was ruined and he had to start all over again his school work.

One day, he walked past the same mirror again. And he saw the reflection of what he did. The reflection told quite different story. In the reflection, what he did was smashing the reflection on the mirror and did nothing of the sort. What he did was smash all his own reflections and nothing else. Everything else remained intact.

What he did was to smash all the mirrors that has his own image. The people were on the other side of the road.


In truth, you hate yourself more than you hate other's. The biggest loser is your reflection.


On fight or flight.

There are some people whom believed that they are entitled to do whatever they want just because there is an opportunity to do so. There are some whom will persevere and protect themselves just to avoid being on the firing line.

Let me just tell you when you stare death at it's face, death will stare back at you. This is not a who blinks first game, there is nothing there, so why would anyone want to blink. It is how you react when nothing stares back at you.

There are no such things as resurrection, there are no such things as revival and there are are definitely no such things as coming back from the dead. You create your own death because you think of it. You creates the death of other's because you are afraid of it. You create it because you want it not because it is the right time. There is no right time.

This is not a matter of willpower, strength, strategy or intelligence or resources- this is a matter of you thinking a siege just so you can justify you can create death in your own head. It is like envisioning your own death when it have not even happen. If I break it down for you now, don't you realise how stupid and preposterous your thinking and mind is now.

The fear gets in your brain, and your brain envision your death and therefore you either run away, defend, or push it away. Everyone grows old, and there are always younger people coming along- why then are so afraid of death when the odds of you dying from lung cancer because of smoking is higher than you actually being struck by lightning or other events you cannot control. Ironically, who chooses to speed up death while being afraid of it [ since tobacco is emotional stabilizer of some sorts].

You worry about being down with all kinds of ailments at 50-70 when the average mortality rate is 83 -86 locally. Either you are really dumb or your mind is playing tricks on you. Either way, I cannot help you because this visualization technique is way stronger than you can imagine. This is your own self-fulfilling prophecy.

What you believe, you act. What you see, you act. What you afraid, you dart. Therefore when you are afraid- which is your very own expiry- how would you react: Fight or flight.

Nobody can create your destiny except those that you believe and if you are so scared of death, very often you are always the first to go. Cowards always lose- one way or another.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Ignorance is bliss

I have spend one entire year trying to understand the actions of other's and their motivations. The only thing that I can tell you is that I was tricked for some time, and I allowed myself to be tricked just so I can find out the extent, the motivations of the actions of other's.

I was a fool for one year just so I can know how people make a fool out of other's. I am happy to report that I was a fool for one year but I am no closer to motivations of other's. Because in reality, they are as clueless as why they even do the things that they do.

They don't know because they are scared and clueless. They want things quick and easy. They believed in form over functions. They are happy while remaining bestially ignorant of themselves. They believe in themselves because they want people to believe in them without even knowing what they believe and know in the first place. They believe that every action leads to some form of reaction but without really knowing why so and how so. Their habits permeate so deep that to unravel them would mean unravelling why there are male and female in the first place.

They want to know without even knowing what is want and know in the first place. They want to buy without knowing how and why it is being made. They put on a brave front without even knowing why in the first place. They want to balance things without even knowing the quantities and the reason in the first place. They want harmony without even knowing the cost. They want to be successful, rich and smart and everything without ever knowing even knowing why. And even if you are, what good would it do for you. What good would it do for you if someone even gave you all these for free. You squander everything away because you don't even know how you get there in the first place.

They want to believe but yet are too lazy to understand why. They want to travel without even knowing what they are searching for. They look without searching. They search without digging. They dig without searching. Ultimately, they go back one very simple rule: they want to survive. And that's when the degeneration begins because you have all but given up.

Everybody don't know. It is fine. If we did, we would live in utopia, but we don't and so deal with it.
Utopia is a dream for a reason. Heaven cannot be seen for a reason. You just don't need to speed it up nor bring it down.

I am the biggest fool to think I can understand it all. I was wrong. I don't need to understand you, you need to understand you. It all starts with you. I am the biggest fool and it all starts with you.


Sunday, December 02, 2012

The world's biggest loser

Have you looked another person in the eye and asked yourself "why is this person so different from me?" why since I find this person particularly irksome, why do we still want to bother about this person.

Have you looked yourself in the mirror and asked yourself, what makes you any less irksome than this person? And when you pray to your god, ancestors or something beyond yourself- what do you pray for- for more money, for more promotion or did you sincerely believed that having more money will make your family happier? And put yourself in god's shoes- aren't you anymore irksome than a person asking for a handout? On what right, do you have to ask for things?

There are some whom particularly in their prayers wants to get rid of people or things for their convenience but what's makes you think that the god you are talking to, doesn't want to get rid of you for this particular request? Piety, loyalty and integrity doesn't beget kindness in real life and makes you think that this would be given to you just because you asked for it without demonstrating any of these qualities.

If you are incapable of getting what you want, what makes you think that any other person can do any better than you. And if so, why condemn a loser when you are "loser" yourself- just because you didn't know about it. Hiding a sour face behind a brave front would makes an even bigger loser for a distinct lack of ability to faced up to reality- and if so, what makes you think any supernatural being would help you. If a human could tell piety from flattery, what makes you think that any "supernatural" being is incapable of seeing that.

An 'otherworldly" deliverance only gives you a "after-life" guarantee but it doesn't mean that the experience will be that good. It's a clarion call, not unqualified guarantee. When someone tells you that it is certified 100% healthy, it doesn't mean that after drinking it will make you into a man of steel. Being healthy is quite different from being strong.

When someone tells you that lowest price guarantee, did you really believed that every item is the lowest price and if so, why do you readily believed that, no commitment will give you a committed guarantee for something so important. Someone must have screwed your head or you only get part of the story- only listen the parts that you like.

Therefore, look yourself in mirror: asked yourself whether are you irksome? And if let's say you were to face your maker or anyone whom you revered, can you say that I am good and therefore I should be rewarded or do you say that I visit you everyday so I must be rewarded. This is one and two different things.

Who is the biggest "loser"?

Face yourself in the mirror and ask yourself: are you irksome- and if you feel ashamed, there is still a shred of hope for you.