Saturday, December 22, 2012

Good Bye

The God of wine is Dionysius, and pretending that you are god of wine is not going to make an immortal. If you are brave only because you don't recognize people around you, it doesn't make you brave.

In the moment, doesn't mean that you are not who you are. It means that you are so consume by something you cannot control that you are forget who you are.

It's amorphous nature is fallacious to think that we can keep it under control- you would not know the what you did today will cause a virus tomorrow, death later or stupid conflict and lastly sadness. Do not pretend that you can control what you did just because you cannot endure it. 

Do not confuse for what you are with what what you really are- do not for a second think that your rage, anger, jealousy is justified just because there is an opportunity. 

There will be repercussions- just not now. You just wait and see

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