Monday, June 20, 2016

Donald Trump is not fit to be the American President

I don't think Donald Trump is fit to be American Presidential candidate, let alone the American President.

His speeches are build around common sense which are deceptively prejudicial and biased. It appeals to the common sense to just like how Darwin's "survival of fittest" concept or "Origin of Species" appeals to putting that scientific analogy to our daily lives.

He is in effect trying to say that we need to protect ourselves so we must build walls around ourselves to protect ourselves. This is circular reasoning, tautological and basically: self-fulfilling prophecy.

Take for example, building walls to prevent Mexican immigrants from coming in- they say they bring guns and violence to America and therefore we should keep them out. What he is trying to say is that: Mexicans are dangerous so we must keep them out. There is something very wrong with that statement isn't it. Firstly it brushes a broad stroke and it so common-sensical that it is dichotomizing of quite a complex issue to an either/or concept. It easily sparks moral outrage and bigotry.

This is unbecoming of an American President simply because if the leader of the strongest nation in the world can speak like that, it sets a terrible example for other's to follow- especially as it attempts to exert it's influence all over the world.

The problem with this campaign talk is that it is seen as rhetoric. And all news agencies report it as rhetoric. This means that everyone does not believes that he does not intend to carry it through.

The safe-ness of the word "rhetoric" is extremely dangerous as it means that he can say whatever he wants whether he means it or not.

What if he means it, and what if he wishes to set an example for everyone to see. This is not "rhetoric", this is simply a bad candidate for any leadership position of any kind, let alone the leadership position of the world's most powerful nation.

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