Thursday, August 23, 2012

Life Imitate Art

There was boy who enjoyed playing board games. The objective of the board game is very simple- the idea is to switch the colours at the right time at any given move to gain the most points and the most soldiers.

This game was invented by himself but it soon spread to his friends. And therefore after a while he invited his friends over to play this new board game that he recently invented.

The rules of this game is very straightforward. Each person is entitled to one statement and one colour at every move. At the end of every statement, everyone have choice to exchange colours at the permission of the owner. Therefore the person who makes the popular statement and the one who holds the clout very often who most of cards and will only switch the cards only when the interest is best for him.

The thing about this game ultimately is not about the one makes popular statement and who holds the clout- the thing about this game is that to perform a sleight of hand to give a weaker card to it's opponent without him even realise that his permission is seek. How this is done is very simple. Firstly, pretend that he has an upper hand- then he would go out to purchase more soldiers for his team. And at the last moment, when making payment, give him the weaker card because very often the soldier is really the quality that he does not wished the seek and at this moment, he would switch his card with the purchaser- hence giving him the upper hand- without making a single effort.

Of course, the game was invented by him and therefore only he knows the rules the game. And so when more players come in join in the game- everyone wonder, how come he always seem to get the best card.

Of course, this was game invented by him when he was younger. And then he began to be obsessed with playing this game when he grew up. Therefore he know pretends that all his friends, enemies, associates and anyone related to him has a colour code. And so he assigned different colour codes to different people related to him.

 He bugged his old school friends to play with him to play his real life game- and eventually a few friends did eventually come to play this game. As this game got round that people were playing really games in their life, a cult game then became a reality game. Soon life imitates art. The colour code assigned to each type of person soon begins to replicate the personality associated to each colour code. Therefore the game became so popular that everyone started playing the game and even begin to strategize even in real life. Thinking that a good strategy would replicate a good outcome in their real and daily life. Soon getting the right colour was a ticket to good luck- no need for hard work really.

Therefore a game has become an obsession- and people started avoid certain colours because there was very little clout- unless someone had made a powerful statement to increase the influence of the particular group. It became painfully obvious, a game has turned into a reality circus show- everyone started wearing as many colour as they want to avoid being caught out. It was Mardi Gras show really.

People eventually was no longer interested in studying or working towards a better outcome- all they want to find out everyday was, what was the favourite colour tomorrow. Never mind, that the colour doesn't jumped out and work for you but basically, the only job was, what was favourite colour tomorrow- and everybody envisioned a positive day ahead, regardless of whether they earned or did not earned it. If they get it right, they thought they could make wishes and all his dreams will come true.

And soon everyone began to watch t.v, internet, radio and all other forms of media predicting the future for tomorrow-  because wearing the right colour and other permutations like the timing of statements was important in a "good luck" day, so people delay making decisions, going out and doing other things just so it can timed to perfection. They were effectively being controlled by all these communications without even realising it.

At the end of the day, the inventor of the game became very rich, powerful and all other things imaginable because he could predict accurately the flow of everything, because he held all the cards in the first place as he could switch quite expertly- as he was the inventor of the game in the first place and therefore made the rules anyway.

What started out as schoolboy game- turned out to be a global phenomenon, in which what happened in the head of the young school boy was replicated into real life. Giving life to simple objects, colours and symbols. Life imitated art. Art made lots money for this little boy.

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