Wednesday, December 05, 2012

On fight or flight.

There are some people whom believed that they are entitled to do whatever they want just because there is an opportunity to do so. There are some whom will persevere and protect themselves just to avoid being on the firing line.

Let me just tell you when you stare death at it's face, death will stare back at you. This is not a who blinks first game, there is nothing there, so why would anyone want to blink. It is how you react when nothing stares back at you.

There are no such things as resurrection, there are no such things as revival and there are are definitely no such things as coming back from the dead. You create your own death because you think of it. You creates the death of other's because you are afraid of it. You create it because you want it not because it is the right time. There is no right time.

This is not a matter of willpower, strength, strategy or intelligence or resources- this is a matter of you thinking a siege just so you can justify you can create death in your own head. It is like envisioning your own death when it have not even happen. If I break it down for you now, don't you realise how stupid and preposterous your thinking and mind is now.

The fear gets in your brain, and your brain envision your death and therefore you either run away, defend, or push it away. Everyone grows old, and there are always younger people coming along- why then are so afraid of death when the odds of you dying from lung cancer because of smoking is higher than you actually being struck by lightning or other events you cannot control. Ironically, who chooses to speed up death while being afraid of it [ since tobacco is emotional stabilizer of some sorts].

You worry about being down with all kinds of ailments at 50-70 when the average mortality rate is 83 -86 locally. Either you are really dumb or your mind is playing tricks on you. Either way, I cannot help you because this visualization technique is way stronger than you can imagine. This is your own self-fulfilling prophecy.

What you believe, you act. What you see, you act. What you afraid, you dart. Therefore when you are afraid- which is your very own expiry- how would you react: Fight or flight.

Nobody can create your destiny except those that you believe and if you are so scared of death, very often you are always the first to go. Cowards always lose- one way or another.


terence said...

Interesting thoughts. For the sake of understanding your thoughts -

1. Is there such a thing as death? Or is it a mental construct of our imagination?

2. Your entire entry rests upon the power of the mind. Is that true? Can you elaborate on this? If so, how so; if not, how not? Or what is your nuanced statement regarding reality and the mind (ie. your epistemology)

3. "What you believe you act, what you see, you act, what you afraid, you dart."... again, on the topic of epistemology - so what propels us? Our belief? Our sight and perception? Or our fears? Are they one and the same thing? If so, how so? What about our will? What does that come to play, if it does?

4. If the questions above are not the right questions regarding your entry and have missed the entire point of the entry, I would be grateful if you help me clarify the point of your entry?


Eugene said...

I am not a theology expert or student so pardon if I get a few details wrong.

1) I don't know. Do you?

2) Assuming that you don't know really death exist. Then what the entry is quite useless.

And even you know death exist, do you know when? And if you don't know, why are you afraid of it. If death is darkness, and if darkness deosn't blink, why do you blink?

3)And so you fear death that much, so either you run or you fight, hence whether that is your senses or mental construct is not an issue at all.

4)I hope then it makes sense.


terence said...

Thanks for your response! I am grateful for the interaction and the opportunity to learn through thinking our thoughts aloud! :) Hopefully you'll indulge me a little further.

I ask my question because it sounded as if you were saying in your post that death is only real because we 'think of it'. Regarding your question to me - how do I know if death exists, I have two points.

1) I think death is as real as life.

Only people who question their very existence, question the reality of death. But if we believe we exist, then we must believe in death for the simple reason that there are real people who have ceased to physically exist amongst us. In this sense, people who truly exist, truly fear death simply because there is something to lose - our existence.

Back to the main point - Only people who acknowledge existence can acknowledge death. If we question the reality of death, it is likely we will also question the possibility of our very existence.

Interestingly, this is exactly the conclusion the philosopher who came up with your Blog Title came to. Everything can be questioned, except the question of the existence of the questioning self. The fact that we can question is evidence of the reality of the questioning self. We therefore exist. But if we also know that one day, we will not be able to question. It is exactly then, that we cease to exist. It is then that we die.

2) Death is a communal reality, acknowledged not by the dead, but by the living.

I just came from a grieving family whose father has passed away. The absence of life from his physical form was a very real thing, not just to me but to his family, the doctors present and the government who issued his death certificate. Even if we believe death to be a state of mind - societal relations confirm contrary.

Death is then a construct of 2 things -
1) Our existence - and the knowledge of the limits of that existence.

2) Death is as real as the community who acknowledges the absence of people amongst the people who exist in time and space. In other words, death is confirmed and maintained as a reality by the memories of the living.

Death is thus a confirmation of Existence - and its limits. And Death is a relational construction, rather than say a mental one. It is powered by the relational absence of someone in the land of the living, rather than by the mental construction of a person.

Eugene said...

1) The search for an absolute made Rousseau to conclude that " I think therefore I must exist". And he used cartesian geometry to justify that.

2) and what if, I tell you that death is an eternal recurrence and if so like a non-stop montage of life and death. This means that you will do things over and over again- would you do what you do in the first place.

And if so, would you do what you do?

And so what if you know you exist?