Thursday, October 24, 2013

What a man is what a woman wants.

Have you looked into the sky and wished upon a star? But then the next moment, the sky come crashing down. What if I repeat it a hundred times and a thousand times. How would you feel? All dreams will be tempered and if you are smart enough, you will avoid making the same dream again- and what happens if I tell you have found a way around simply by rejecting it is a dream but it is reality. You get skeptical. What does skepticism serves? Yourself- you do not try.
You do not try to believe.

In the process of living a fulfilling life, skepticism serves by preventing you from aiming too high- and what if it becomes a way of life. You then becomes a "hipster"- too cool for anything. When you are too cool for anything and anything is within your grasp and everything becomes possible- so long as you remain skeptical. [ Since you are too cool, it means that I am just too good, I will let you have it]

What happens that since you are so cool and you really never get what you want, you become increasingly more detached and focused singularly on the one thing that will allow you to get what you want- which is coolness and detachment.

Imagine a lifestyle built around being a hipster: what you will get is a form of living formed around finding the "other" which will compensate for your inadequacy.

Let's put it in a manner which is more salient. Think of a cat which wants to be dog. It can never bark neither can it ever play catch, but what it can do is pretend to be a dog and act like a dog which is not developed. It tries to bark but turns out a weak meow and tries to catch the ball but runs a short while before displaying fatigue and faking it's fitness.

But it is never fulfilling watching someone else grab all the headlines- but what they can do is build an identity around what the other person cannot do- which is not grabbing headlines.

It places all hopes onto the dog and watches from afar it successes while living through having identity exactly opposite to this headline-grabbing dog- this is simply because it needs to feel fulfilled. This form of vicarious living circumvents all realities and produces satisfaction at level which is safe and sweet- simply because the opposite is really the same as the reflection.

And so the cat will always hang around not the master but around the dog and wishes, pushes and nudges the dog upwards in a manner which allows satisfies the desire of being the "dog" through the growth stage. This form of mentality is really a psychosis at a mass scale.

This is not idol worship but a form of psychological compensating mechanism by which the form cannot exceeds the function. The wish supersedes the realities in which all "enchantment" is lost and replaced by a sense of pride on the "other." The enchantment is built by ourselves and is not build for us by others. We are enchanted by our own creation and not satisfied by it.

There is no satisfaction in this form of action insofar that it is not internal, it comes from the external factors and let's us slip out of control from time to time.

The above is extremely particular to women in an politically correct sexual politics. This means that the realities makes it difficult for women to have real and direct power. But can build a reflection on which the other is the "men". This means that power is tangential and really is nothing more than a combination of external factors.

Women hold power only in a manner which is safe for them to exercise in a manner as "women" which is antithetical of power. This means that no amount of propaganda can even convince women is on top let alone the men. Hence, in a fulfillment to the social environment, many women have two tactics 1) form an other to the men 2) a mimicry to the male image. Either way, the fulfillment and satisfaction is as a result of men.

The dissatisfaction comes from the fact that it denies that it is a woman and not because a man makes a woman. It does not follow a "woman" ideal but a male "ideal"- where as a thesis or antithesis of it.

The fulfillment is total and dissatisfaction is lingering.

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