Saturday, February 15, 2014

Passing the Buck

Nothing can prepare you for adulthood. We thought that when we were younger, we can avoid the mistakes that our parents or predecessors make and we will sail through life- that is an extremely wrong concept. In the previous post, I wrote about the middle class dream and how it has been sold so well these few decades- but no one actually thought about how did this middle class was a dream in the first place. It came about because we too the middle road. This means that we do not want to strive for something beyond our reach and do not wish to the sink to the levels of having display our failures publicly.

The middle class did not exist as a obvious force less than 50 years, this means that most of us were really blue collar workers and the middle class were really those in corporate clothes and "technician" clothes together. The very fact that we associate middle class with white collar workers is really just the automation of everything and the pretense that we are NOT a cog in the wheel.

The office workers were the ones controlling and managing resources some 50 years ago and the very fact that 50 years ago, we were still have this middle class utopia is really resulting from the fragment of this reality that white collar workers 1) managers 2) specialists and professionals 3) are more intelligent hence are less suited for menial labour.

Let us put it this way, white collar workers today really nothing more than administrative workers and the closest that anyone is controlling the movement of resources is really the money people or bankers. The rest are nothing more than glorified administrative staff or IT operators or "technicians. That is the fact. The similarity is really in the clothes that they wear and those upper management wear 50 years ago.

Bringing back to the fact that we studied so hard to be nothing more than administrative staff and IT operators is something that a lot of egos cannot handle after they graduate from any tertiary institutions. It took me so many years to realize that how miniscule our actions are and how little impact that our actions have on the others and the world.

The very fact that I became a banker and at least moving capital and thus distributing resources in a manner which impacts the world contributes to the fact that we are nothing more than glorified administrative staff. Before I was a banker, I was nothing more than a person sending instructions to various departments to do their job or simply answering ridiculous requests from customers. The fact is that no one gives a shit about what we do. That's what spurred me on to take matters into my hands and make sure that I am doing something worthwhile with my life.

It took a lot risk and a lot of luck for me to actually CONTROL and MANAGE resources- which means to actually move capital and resources to an effect which contributes to the bottomline of the company- to become a proper manager and not a "glorified" administrative staff, well paid only because of the money sloshing around.

This means that this middle class utopia do exist and it exist only because you set yourself apart from the rest of the pack and hell, it was really not easy at all.

The moment you hit that level, you stare into space and ask yourself, what is there left for you to- and not in an egoistic way but in a manner which brings some form of meaningful existence from work that actually is part of an everyday life.

I would like to announce that the middle class dream does not exist and many of my peers, I began to realize are trying to grapple with it. It is in their belief that they are NOT a cog in a wheel but an essential part of the world which dispenses with anything that is not profitable. The manner by which they ameliorate their internal emotional dissonance and chaos is one which I believe is not health at all: Starting a family and forming a support of friends to share each other's misery.

You are NOT living a middle class dream but really keeping up with your self-image and reflections. It almost seems like I am picking on bones but the reality is that the manner by which you lived your life is the dream that you wish to live and not the mere continuation of what has preceded before.

It is for this reason that I denounced the actions and I almost can foresee the pitfalls by which all families faced: that is the dilemma that you, me and everyone faces in their thirties- what are you good for and what type of legacy do you wish to leave for other's to see. Only by solving your own dilemmas can prevent the creation of further ones. I do not envy you but rather pity, detest and sympathize on you. You pass your problems to your children and you know it.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Living the middle class dream

What is a middle class citizen, successful, happy and fulfilled? The middle class dream has been sold so well that even the upper crust want a piece of the middle class dream. The middle class dream is one surrounded by like-minded peers, well -educated, reticent and ultimate so well-balanced, well-liked and sociable that they denounced wealth and all forms of ostentatious display of status and prestige as a mark of a less successful and less fulfilled person. This means that they have everything that everyone has but less of everything that everyone does not want to have.

If you look around, everyone seems to have a middle class face, the face which is not stressed by the daily toils of life defined by frazzle-ness and hurried steps of the working class and the domineering power of the upper class. Once again, I will have to bring back to the photos uploaded on Facebook as a definition of the middle class dream sold so well.

Let me just defined what is a middle class. We easily can used income as a definition of middle class but it is increasingly difficult to used that considering that some people look so reticent that they seem to find money as a detestable and nothing more than a way of controlling people that's all. Anyway, a lot of countries are going in the direction of bulking up the middle class- which is essentially having sufficient money on the good things in life but barely enough to grow their wealth in a manner which allows them to display their status and wealth ostentatiously without feeling smaller and demoralized.

And so the middles class dream is sold. Take two holidays a year, drive a middle of the road Japanese saloon and then wear a nice pair of conservative glasses to work and most importantly: get married and give birth to some babies.

I am not saying this because we must work our ass off and forget about biological need to procreate but rather saying this in a manner that the fact is that your life is consumed by work. Even the need to have children is defined by work and not the biological clock ticking. You see, it is easier to convince your employer of your need to leave on the dot at 6 when you have children then one who is a go getting bachelor.

I know this because the family excuse has been pulled so often at work and I begin to see that people get married simply to leave on time at 6 and get promoted without working so hard at it. Hence married people get to keep their jobs due to the guilt trip that they send their employers and therefore actually the family package comes with the employee.

Having a job is not the cause of having a family, it is rather the other way around and that is actually why having a family is really because of your job. You want to know how I know, look at yourself at the mirror and then look at your wife or kids, and ask yourself why the hell did you get married to this person and start a family with this person in the first place and, viola you have the answer.

Trust me, I know this and I went through that stage before and was also sucked into it. I was that close to doing that and that is exactly why I speak from experience. 

You see that having family allows us to laze at work and pretend that our family is more important than work and we often used the excuse of educational barriers as a justification of feeling our jobs are secure. In reality it is never secure in the first place, simply because what you do is doable by the person next door.

But the fact is that for such people, the work is more important than the family because in order to post pictures on Facebook, we need to keep our jobs and have like-minded friends and colleagues and just to show the kinship with our peers, otherwise the entire house of cards will fall apart.

What I am saying is that you don't like what you do, you didn't marry to spend a lifetime with another person, and have children in order to keep your job. Hence the middle class dream is created in order to keep semblance of regularity for the sad, pathetic lives a lot of people are living.

Just admit it, you really lived to work- this means that your entire life is consumed by work and you will realized that your entire your life has been wasted on an education you did not enjoy and a work that gives you no fulfillment and a family which pretends that you are not there at all.

Your lack of pride is simply the reason for you to keep this middle class dream chugging along that's all.

Time for a car or condo!!

Wednesday, February 05, 2014


There is a reason why I have been writing so much about my working life contrasting with my studying life and contrast it with various stages of our cycle. The reason is that we are now the ones in control and are really charting the course of many people around us when previously it was the other way around. Another thing that I have noticed is the differing routes different people take as a result of their personality and how they handle pressures and influences from various aspects of our life- which is in effect has lots of impact on the above mentioned point.

A majority of my friends and even myself have been so used to being told what to do that when under influences and pressures from various sources, we tend simply to focus on one thing at hand, our grades or our work/salary.

Previously at work, I almost feel like working is something we all have to do just because we are independent, young and able to support ourselves. This means that regardless of the salary, our job is not to questioned whether it is suitable for me or up to my "standard" but since you accepted the job, your job is simply to do it and get along with it. The salary becomes something like a reward at the end of it and not as a "compensation".

But as I became to move up the ranks, I began to realize that it no longer work, as people expect you to influence the people, peers and colleagues to do a good job and also play your role as a employee well. Hence it not good enough, to do a good job but be a positive role model for other's to follow. Then the salary at the end of month becomes all consuming. I began to question the merits of such a mentality.

You pay me a salary to perform a job task and you expect me to be a saint while performing something that I am paid to do. This means that if a saint is for sale, I am better off being a saint then being a worker.

Think about the previous post about Facebook and photographs. Imagine, being photographed every single moment of your working hours and being posted online for everyone to admire- that is really the equivalent of such a behavior isn't it. This means that the better I do, the more people will "dislike" me since I am really working, since "workers" do not like work- maximum benefit, minimum effort.

Then I decided to reflect back and look back on the behavior of such of my friends and peers- they are really like this their entire life!!

This means that they get good grades to post on Facebook, wear a tie and pants to post on Facebook, have babies to post on Facebook and even get married to post on Facebook. It was really close to ridiculous.

I have never post my work photos on Facebook, I drove for ten years and I have even posted a picture of my car online- and not even take a picture in my car in the ten years- and I don't even post photos of my extra-curricular dalliances except once where I am not sure what got over me.

I began to realize these friends of mine is working and controlling critical resources on our behalf and all they are interested is posting pictures on Facebook. This began to worry me because the material and superficiality of my peers and colleagues will have a negative impact on not just themselves but me too- because I am competing with them and also using the goods and services provided by them.

It then dawn on me that hard work was never in their textbook, only image is. And they are staring right at your face.

No matter how you try to convinced them that hard work is really the only resource one have in critical times, they have only one thing in mind: I must look good.

I mean in the last post, I could tolerate because I found them sad and sort of think that they are screwing up their life in their two dimensional stereotypes viewpoints of the world. But now it is personal.

So you see, the way they handle influences and pressures from all sides is one simple thing: I must win. Which means I must look good. Have you seen anyone winning under pressure while looking good: heroes do. Think about it: how do they be heroes every single day at the office?

Exactly, a saint for sale. What is a saint for sale good for: Absolutely nothing.

I rest my case.

I cannot imagine they want to produce more saints at their own backyard. I would call them one thing: Jeremy- which means jia liao bi in colloquial Hokkien- or waste of rice or resources in this case.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014


The last post drag me deeper into the psyche of what makes these people tick. By these people, I mean by people who have tendency to show off only their best side and seem flawless by nature. That is envy. They are driven by making people envious of their life, their position, their wealth, their perfect life, practically everything about them is so absolutely well-balanced that there isn't a need in their life except "other people's need" which is you.

Think harder about it, Facebook is predicated on envy. The more "Friends", "Likes" and cheery photos I have, the more popular I am, you loser. What does that drives other's to do, have more "Friends", "Likes" and cheery photos. Without Facebook, I think gatherings and dinners is practically useless because they need to tell people who they are with and which place they are in. Otherwise, I could be eating dinner at the nearby hawker for all I care.

Long before Facebook and Friendster, there was the pager and it doesn't tell anyone where are we, and just how we can be contacted. This means, that if I am with you, it means it is fun. Even if it is fun, and we take photos, we cannot tell the whole entire world, who and where we are with. You see, the only thing that you can be envious about is because we are having fun, period.

With Facebook, I could be at the potty and people would still ask me what is the shape of my shit. Take a look at any dinner table, and you would see awkward silences is punctuated by punching on their smartphones and at the end of the day, we must tell the world where are we and what great friends we have.

I was born during the time of Internet and really that was a time for a lot of people to be envious about. And that is why my friends whom were also come from that age, have a tendency to post photos of their beatutiful girlfriends, their 2.1 kids and then their happy and smiling families and "we" have to "like" it, otherwise we would seem like we are jealous, envious or do not wish to keep you as a friend.

I am not an didactic person which means that I prescribed remedies but it doesn't mean that I cannot speak my mind on these networks and pretend that people are reading it. They have privacy controls right. How does it make me any more anti-social.

I am going to say this once and for all, what you are doing is generating envy and you know it. Even if you don't the amount of response you get for showcasing your family or your location to strangers should make you blush but you don't.

Stop telling people your perfect life, your pretty picture and not post your sad statuses to your world, your disgusting husband or your slutty girlfriend and most importantly, don't pretend that you don't feel good at other people's expense.

Wait till you hear what we think about your dog or husband.

A sad perfection

I am 33 this year and I have worked for about 7 years before some events at the office made me left the job. At this current moment, I am doing my post-grad in Finance since 2012, not in hope of finding a new job but in the hope of doing something more "professional" and not just some "job". The 2 year hiatus made me realize certain things that I would not have had I not slowed down. 1) Most at my age have given up on life and passed it all to the kids 2) As a result, a lot of us are not really working.

Some of my friends which are no longer my friends due to differing views on work and job have really no aspirations in their job.1) They speak like their job is nothing more than an inconvenience that they have to do just to get by in their life 2) There are other's who talk like they are constantly on an interview- which means that everything is predicated on being nice, sweet, positive and chirpy- but not necessarily productive. I am not saying all these because that I am ambitious and have achieve everything that they don't have and I am gloating. But they really are like zombies walking to work and crawling back home to sleep and on weekends buy things to make them feel good and start the whole cycle again.

Actually, I saw all these coming from some of my friends but the one thing that surprises me is that how much I dislike their attitude towards their work. They don't like what they study and constantly find ways to do rote learning and compete on grades which have absolutely no bearing on their future. That is not to say I dislike them then, I just didn't realize how much I dislike them now. Of course, why, I said that is that some of my ex-colleagues have exactly their attitude towards work as they have towards school.

When I was working, I tolerated these people because they look like my "friends" and have I were to disparage them, I would effectively disparaging my friends, I begin to realize. At the back of my mind, my thoughts were that, I could tolerate them then, why can't I now. The worst thing to happen is that you are piss off with me, I am piss off with me- we would just compete with each other at the bar. But it didn't work out that way because, the same "friends" would have ate lunch without me and try to sideline me out of all the projects. Previously, my grades were mine to keep, their life was their's to screw up and so I didn't care that much.

Of course, then, my image of them was a picture of misery- forever stuck in a job they hate and hanging out with people they dislike because they remind themselves of their own flaws- and so I was rather ambivalent towards their antics. This means that they have lots of jealousy issues, passive aggressive attitude due to their competitive nature and a rather potty mouth. I call them friends because, I think, they look sad to me. I was enjoying myself and also have at least somewhat similar future as them- and so I really don't see the need to be a nuisance of them.

Funnily, once again, one day, I decided to be more decisive towards these people whom are not interested in their jobs, which means that for everything that they are not interested in, I would pick up and do and it sort of work for me for some time and I seem to be learning new things while expanding my job scope, status and rank. "These" same friends began to shun me simply because apparently I was outshining them. Viola!!

After a few years, I was getting tired and I began to realize all these promotions, money, status and slaps on the back are beginning to do nothing for me and I began to slow down and ask myself how do I get promoted faster. Then "these" same people are the ones standing in my way!! Not my bosses, not my subordinates even, but my peers!!.

It was amazing, I slowed down to a crawl and suddenly these people decided to one-up me in every aspect of my life. By "these", I mean my friends which is also effectively "my colleagues" too. I just watch them zoom past me, getting married, getting a flat, getting a car and babies and now they compare who is "happier". [ You want to know why they are competing who is happier- who wants to see photos of kids changing diapers]

Then it dawned one big thing: they are living a "perfect" life. I asked myself, why should I compete to be happier. You know where is the problem- the problem is that when you are young like this, you will grow old like this, and I shut out all these friends and they shut me out- because I do not make them look "good" anymore.

Recently, I was interviewed for a job as a Business Development Manager in a property firm and an Art Gallery assistant and a Key Account Manager at a major printing MNC. Do you know what I did, I pissed all of them off. I look back and I have no idea why I did that- because I think they sound like my these "friends" and "colleagues".

To all my friends, colleagues and anyone who is reading this, I do not fault you but really, you are not "perfect". Someone is already more "perfect" than you.

Just leave me out of your sad myopic mind.