Saturday, February 15, 2014

Passing the Buck

Nothing can prepare you for adulthood. We thought that when we were younger, we can avoid the mistakes that our parents or predecessors make and we will sail through life- that is an extremely wrong concept. In the previous post, I wrote about the middle class dream and how it has been sold so well these few decades- but no one actually thought about how did this middle class was a dream in the first place. It came about because we too the middle road. This means that we do not want to strive for something beyond our reach and do not wish to the sink to the levels of having display our failures publicly.

The middle class did not exist as a obvious force less than 50 years, this means that most of us were really blue collar workers and the middle class were really those in corporate clothes and "technician" clothes together. The very fact that we associate middle class with white collar workers is really just the automation of everything and the pretense that we are NOT a cog in the wheel.

The office workers were the ones controlling and managing resources some 50 years ago and the very fact that 50 years ago, we were still have this middle class utopia is really resulting from the fragment of this reality that white collar workers 1) managers 2) specialists and professionals 3) are more intelligent hence are less suited for menial labour.

Let us put it this way, white collar workers today really nothing more than administrative workers and the closest that anyone is controlling the movement of resources is really the money people or bankers. The rest are nothing more than glorified administrative staff or IT operators or "technicians. That is the fact. The similarity is really in the clothes that they wear and those upper management wear 50 years ago.

Bringing back to the fact that we studied so hard to be nothing more than administrative staff and IT operators is something that a lot of egos cannot handle after they graduate from any tertiary institutions. It took me so many years to realize that how miniscule our actions are and how little impact that our actions have on the others and the world.

The very fact that I became a banker and at least moving capital and thus distributing resources in a manner which impacts the world contributes to the fact that we are nothing more than glorified administrative staff. Before I was a banker, I was nothing more than a person sending instructions to various departments to do their job or simply answering ridiculous requests from customers. The fact is that no one gives a shit about what we do. That's what spurred me on to take matters into my hands and make sure that I am doing something worthwhile with my life.

It took a lot risk and a lot of luck for me to actually CONTROL and MANAGE resources- which means to actually move capital and resources to an effect which contributes to the bottomline of the company- to become a proper manager and not a "glorified" administrative staff, well paid only because of the money sloshing around.

This means that this middle class utopia do exist and it exist only because you set yourself apart from the rest of the pack and hell, it was really not easy at all.

The moment you hit that level, you stare into space and ask yourself, what is there left for you to- and not in an egoistic way but in a manner which brings some form of meaningful existence from work that actually is part of an everyday life.

I would like to announce that the middle class dream does not exist and many of my peers, I began to realize are trying to grapple with it. It is in their belief that they are NOT a cog in a wheel but an essential part of the world which dispenses with anything that is not profitable. The manner by which they ameliorate their internal emotional dissonance and chaos is one which I believe is not health at all: Starting a family and forming a support of friends to share each other's misery.

You are NOT living a middle class dream but really keeping up with your self-image and reflections. It almost seems like I am picking on bones but the reality is that the manner by which you lived your life is the dream that you wish to live and not the mere continuation of what has preceded before.

It is for this reason that I denounced the actions and I almost can foresee the pitfalls by which all families faced: that is the dilemma that you, me and everyone faces in their thirties- what are you good for and what type of legacy do you wish to leave for other's to see. Only by solving your own dilemmas can prevent the creation of further ones. I do not envy you but rather pity, detest and sympathize on you. You pass your problems to your children and you know it.

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