Saturday, June 02, 2012

Denouncing all things foreign

There has been alot of recent debate about foreigners versus the locals. This is especially covered in print and online as well. This will always be perennial question largely unresolvable; the framing by print media and certain websites is unnecessarily polarizing and polemic.

Such debates did not exist until recently when suddenly the distinction becomes rather flamed up. It reminds me of North Korean propaganda really- where in order to keep it's people stunned, it reminds the locals of the "demonic" qualities of anything foreign. This really snaps of a regime of which is really losing grip where the only way of keeping hold is via mind and ideological control.

It would be surprising that 95% of what we use is foreign made and yet we riled against foreigners. Recent reports even highlight the unsavoury qualities of isolated accidents where so-called foreigners were involved. There are many such luxurious cars around and most are driven by locals really.

Foreigners used to be foreign talent and now they have been framed as "Us versus Them"- suddenly they have become them and for so long we are trying make "them" "us". This nationalistic fervour is extremely unhealthy and it is not patriotism when we attack them selectively. We pick on issues not on the personal attributes. The framing of certain issues almost suggest that they deserve such treatment just because they were "bad" people. We almost wish they were dead just because they were "bad": at least according to some polemical and divisive reports I have read so far. Reports have become drama soap operas polarizing the bad- the foreigners- and the good- the locals-.

It is almost like the moment we raise the temperature abit, considering the influx of foreigners- we become instinctive animals, losing the ability to think of the benefits without separating from the personal. We have a citizenship for a reason and so therefore control of immigrants is a macro issue rather than focusing on the micro and everyday life. Such debate- especially this type of polarizing ones and almost vicious and ideological should not have a place in rational debates.

I have always constantly followed current affairs and this is by far- given the progress we have made so far- the most vicious and polarizing debates I have read thus far.

Sorting out the cause and effect would be impossible. Perhaps the government was trying to frame the debate just so that certain nationalistic policies can go do more smoothly or alternatively the government is following local trends and framing in a way that most locals know how. Therefore this is a chicken and egg story and I do believe that the both parties are complicit in the state of matters right now. Both believing both sides wanted it this way.

But it is sure that having nationalistic policies serve only to perpetuate existing structures as opposed to changing it. While serving nationalistic policies serve only to cement local positions: hence by having such policies, I am not sure whose interests would it serve.

But a case in point as to be considered, many nations have degenerated after having a bout of isolation tendencies. This is often the result of an ruling class hanging onto power after exposure to new cultures and practices by it's people. The end result almost always results in being blown apart by foreign invaders whom have remain open and searching and where they have advanced far ahead while they have become closed to foreign "barbarians".

This much is true. Therefore I have remained concerned of the state of affairs of which I view is the precursor to a degenerative state- the start of denouncement of all things foreign.

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