Sunday, June 03, 2012

Fragmentation and "Natural Selection"

I have discovered a rather worrying trend. The world is tending towards fragmentation and fluidity and this is held together only the doctrine of "survival of the fittest". What this trend would result is an ever relentless pursuit of fads and a ruthless assault of what they consider "old": which ultimately caused the best of us insecurity, loneliness, alienation and a sense of helplessness, caused by a sense of rootedless-ness

The speed of which knowledge is blasted apart by not considered thought but rather polemic and polarization is rather worrying. No longer do most of us worry about traditions and culture which would have held us together but rather to consider what is to be broken just so that one can spawn one new fad so to show that one is ahead of the curve.

And the relentless pursuit towards anything mindlessly "new" has caused most of us to be "stupidly" led. Innovation and creation is the beacon of capitalism and advancement but it should not be at the expense of breaking it just for the sake of breaking it. I have noticed a worrying trend towards an almost blindless optimism towards anything new and a absolute disregard towards anything that might have work as a result of experience or evidently.

This fragmentation and fluidity is held together only by an misunderstood concept of Darwinian idea of "natural selection" and "survival of the fittest". Wrapping new-ness around the idea of natural selection resulting in a stronger species is to transform an animal-nistic metaphor to an actual one. Biologically and physiologically we are similar to animals but the distinct difference between humans and animals is our ability to see from a third person perspective.

An animal is driven by instinct to eat when one is hungry and run when he is danger- he has no concept of which that his action is the result of a larger scheme of things. And that makes him a brilliant specimen for "natural selection" and of which Darwin has rightly pointed out.

But a human on the other hand has the ability to see from a "God" like perspective- in which he himself is nothing more than an actor in a larger scheme of things. And therefore we are able to withhold our instincts even though we are hungry, or we are fearful or we are thirsty. And that is where 4 thousand years of culture, ethics and social norms comes into play.

And if we were to act like there was a "natural selection" in play every single day, the world would have destroy itself much earlier than we would have today.

And Science has also proven conclusively that there is no such thing eugenics or a superior gene and therefore a blindless pursuit towards "contrived" "natural selection" is foolhardy.

Therefore I find this trend of justifying this type of faddish behaviour on the back of pseudo-scientific analogies is dangerous and all the more ideological and narcissistic. Such tendencies towards the "cult of individual" on strength and superiority breeds a misplaced sense of narcissism and egotism. Of which to me is nothing more than fad and if otherwise I am proven wrong- and I seriously do not hope so- spells the start of an Armageddon.

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