Sunday, May 27, 2012

On Being Right.

The problem with people who think they are creative and innovative is that they must have the right of way. Which means that if you want to be the with bright ideas and solutions, you must show that you are right.

The problem with this type of thinking is that if it is truly right, everyone would have done it already!! There would not be a need for you to declare that you are right because by definition, someone has already established that it is right so hence, if you think that you are right and everyone agrees with you- sorry dude, your ass has just been kissed.

We cannot get more right because when by establishing you are more right- is too established that you are more pure- then it is best to leave to those in the business of establishing goodness and evil.

 Therefore those with a giant ego, pride and perception of strength are always to in the wanton need to establish their right-ness - because there are no other way to justify their strength. If you strong and yet wrong- you are terrorist; if you strong and right- you are an authority. Therefore even as we get stronger, we have to established that we are "right-er" because you can be easily labelled as a "terrorist" without even realising it.

How to justify that we are "righter": by demonstrating and appealing to prevailing values and norms. But ultimately, it is a never ending game of hypocrisy because at the end of day, the quality of "right-ness" is not judged by an independent panel expert in ethics and morality but by a public perception of the "wholesome-ness" of our actions.

Hence it is of no surprise that people put in more time into looking good and appearing good then they do in really doing good as they get more stronger.

The competition to appear good becomes then a never-ending battle to be a the "nice guy" who so happen to get rich and popular.

In the end, by trying to appear right- we appear all so wrong in trying to impress rather than being genuine. It leaves not just a bitter taste in one's mouth but rather an emptying feeling of sickening triumph.

Ouch... Here's a plaster for you... [After slapping your face without you knowing it, I need you to tell everyone what a nice guy I am as well...]

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