Sunday, May 27, 2012

Who will guard against the guardians?

Politics is not just a matter show of blatant and overt power. It is also a show of denying means to access to power.

The reason that we have moved on from an absolutist regime, to one where we separate the legislation, the executive and the judiciary- is to ensure that no one single source can be preponderant force upon society.

And there is a reason too for giving a person a choice in parties, in being a left, centrist or a conservative. This is not just to ensure a check and balance- but also a more rounded sense of truth. A party which covers from left to right hence in this case, is no different from being an absolutist regime.

When a conservative party takes a stable position, it is right only insofar that it is beneficial. When it take centrist position, all cost and benefit covers always concludes to same thing- they are right. When they take a leftist position- they instil fear and ridicule. In order words, a conservative party which wants to cover all it's bases is by any means of a any imagination- is an absolutist, an ideoolgical "despot" isn't it.

And therefore, even if there is a choice- all choices as already been circumscribed and circumvented. The last I check, when I am given a choice- I should not have any fear of repercussions of any decision. Otherwise, of what choice is choice- but a compromised choice or a false choice.

Then at the end of the day, if no choice is given, we have to take a choice of the sky. To take one of moral high ground- denouncing all forms of choice as false and invalid. And to take ideological standpoint of which to show falsehood of the choices as opposed to bringing the merits and demerits of it.

The point of having choices is to weigh merits and demerits- and of use is having choices- when merits, demerits has been presented in point form, platable only to the reader rather than making an informed choice.

Politics is a like a pie- or this is what everyone expects it to be. They enjoy splitting up the pie and giving each and other adherents what they deserve- like warlords. And indeed if this was the time of warlords and feudal lords- it would pass. But we lived in the world whereby we it's one man and one vote- which means regardless of power, race, economic status and gender, there should not be any discrmination whatsoever.

And if there discrimination and there is one man and one vote mentality- the spirit of all elections would indeed be fradulent and therefore all choices is circumscribed to present a platable view, and who then is guard against the guardians who circumscribed these views in the first place.

Therefore it comes to the ultimate question: Who will guard against the guardians?


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