Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hypocrisy and Loneliness

Is hypocrisy justified on the grounds of avoiding loneliness? Hypocrisy is justifiable insofar that that it is to bring out the authenticity of the emotions. People respond to authenticity and never to emotional dissonant words or disconnected expressions.

A comforting word however further from the truth in times of distress speaks volumes for emotional consonance more than the actual solution or truth. Hence the words are a source of comfort rather than actual effect of a solution.

Hence hypocrisy compounds loneliness rather than reduces it. It's actual effect of hypocrisy is to enhance likability insofar that it enhances sociability. But it says nothing about having emotional dissonances or in other words, loneliness. Therefore, we often heard before the phrase: "being alone in a crowd".

Hypocrisy in this world is insofar of practical considerations. The outward appearance of sociability serves only to enhance the appearance of likability and therefore by extension more friends and opportunities. Therefore the appearance of more friends almost presupposes more opportunities, and therefore of more practical use of having friends with a wide network.

We live in a market-driven economy and therefore friends are resources we leverage upon hence the appearance of sociability is of really mutual benefit. The quality of network insofar is hard to gauge from appearances really.

Therefore this competition for appearance of sociability have collapsed sociability with that of happiness. The hypocrisy that we have to upkeep in these competitive environment meant that the motivations are likely to be from without than from within.

Therefore the resultant effect of hypocrisy ironically really more loneliness. The effect of having lived outside of yourself.

Therefore hypocrisy or not speaking your true feelings can only justified on 2 counts 1) one for that of comfort and therefore enhancing the authenticity and encouraging connection rather than that of compounding disconnection 2) out of practical considerations- a lie of which of a decidedly altruistic nature- where one's intention is the betterment of the other party. Therefore the emotional dissonance or discomfort experienced from speaking inauthentic is one for the greater good rather than for self-motivated reasons. The loneliness or rather the misunderstanding occurred is being outweighed therefore by the actual benefits brought about by the resultant effect of the disconnected words- that mostly of energy brought about by the sharp effect of the words.

Therefore hypocrisy for the sake of enhancing sociability does not reduce the effect of loneliness but rather compounds an isolated and desolate feeling. But I suspect this propensity to search for familiar faces is the result of an instinctive reaction towards unfamiliar grounds of which have perpetuated the misguided notion of mixing sociability with that of happiness. Sociability is not happiness and neither is it vice versa.

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