Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Have you ever seen a free-loader, a free-rider and all round cheapskate before?

You know you have seen one when 1) he denies that he/she is taking from you, 2) gets ultra defensive when you try to extract payment 3) he/she justifies the free loading activity as a form of good will 4) will have audacity to continue free loading in spite of being accused of. 5) strokes your ego when he/she's benefits and attack you when he/she sees liability- but yet would stil beg forgiveness or feign injury when benefits is back again. Shameless really.

Quite frankly, I am not sure whether I am being free loaded anot. Some people thinks all is gold when it glitters. But really, I find it quite funny when people see gold when all I see random blabberings. I have always been quite "generous" with my "gold" distribution because what I have is infinite- it is inexhuastible. So well, it puzzles me that what some people perceive as "gold" are well just words. So, hence I asked myself- am I being ripped off?

Well, one man's meat is another man's poison- well, to me mine is just water. It is useful but it is everywhere. So it puzzles me no end that many spending a great deal of effort and time in extracting something they perceived is of value when really, I have plenty of it.

Well, of course, I am hoping against hope that somebody would pay me good money to do as little as possible which they perceived as invaluable.

I don't feel free-loaded in the sense where they are ripping off me and giving me less than I pay for- but I feel rather annoyed that I am missing out on money that could be marketed and sold. But well, I know some that have taken advantage of that vicarious wealth already.

The amount of fighting, jostling and play-acting to get the sole "rights" so to speak is premature- because what I give away is "free" so how can anyone have the sole agency in the first place.

I think you are better off donating this money to charity, spending more time with your kids than coming up with weird "everyday" scenarios and spending time doing actual and real work at the office. Spend your eye-balling time with people of "real" importance than some stranger who don't even know your name.

There are no stupid people- just people who think that others are, and hence spend time proving them wrong.

Nights all.


On Bullying and Fear

What is bullying? what is tantamount to bullying?

If a person that bullies, but the bulli-ee, so to speak does not feel intimidated, does it amount to bullying?

There have been instances where people felt pitiful when they perceived that I was being bullied. And there were instances where the bully bullied, but I was not intimidated but felt rather puzzled and perplexed. And of course the funny thing is that the bully intensifies the bullying, and rather than feeling intimidated, I felt even more puzzled and perplexed.

A person often bullies because he/she is fearful and on the contrary felt, well intimidated. That's why a person seldom bullies alone, he always bullies in a group.

The point of bullying is fear, but if the bulli-ee doesn't feel bullied or intimidated- why the hell do you continue and make yourself look even more stupid. Bullying and intimidation is the hallmark of society and sometimes, it defines economies even. Well isn't monopoly built around bullying, gangsterism built around bullying and intimidation.

Anyway, the more intense one bullies or intimidates, the more curious I become rather than fearful. Well, the point is why the hell does the person or organization fear me- a pathetic one man with so little resources - so much. Anyway, I think I am missing the amygdala part of my brain- rather than running from it, I run towards it. I am stupid like that.

But anyway, well, in order to extract the best value out of bullying- wouldn't the product be fear itself. Why insist on a course of action that bears no end or fruit, is a concept that puzzles me. When you have neither the thing that the bulli-ee wants or fears, why insist on a course of action that made you well rather incompetent and stupid and quite frankly very laughable like a "human gorilla"

And of course, fear is a emotion that many put a premium hence many have paid for it's reduction and giving a sense of security. That's why one form gangs, alliances, organization, association, companies and even governments to combat that fear. But when the organization intimidates to extract a payment, wouldn't that run contrary to the very idea of that organization in the first place.

What if the person or organization who prevents fear also produces the same fear- to justify payment and the reason of it's existence in the first place. Think protection money in it's most crudest form and of course, certain people and organization are more subtle and sophisticated organization in collecting payment and ensuring compliance.

Of course, there are some who do that, not all of course. But indeed, the idea of fear and intimidation are most resonant in those who perpetuates it. Otherwise, why do you think they know where to hit the right spots.

Indeed all bullies do take note, if you want to bully or intimidate someone, do find out what he/she wants or fears before you intend to do any bullying. Otherwise, you would be seen as "stupid" or an untrained animal like a "gorilla" or "paper tiger".

Well at least if you do bully effectively, you might just be lauded as a leader or an authoritative figure or at worst, a "paranoid and insecure bully" only- which at least gives you a "get-out-of jail" card based on the sympathy of the "maternal protective" kind. Awww....

Nights all.


Monday, March 19, 2012


Some people have asked me why do you treat working, jobs and a salary so easily and so flippantly? The point is I don't.

I enjoy working and the independence of which that comes with a pay cheque but sometimes there are something more important than that. Some might have call this foolish, but working and among alot of other things are means to an end. And in life, there is a work/life balance, family, marriage and passions among other things that dominate one's time in different points in life.

Not to brag or anything, even as I deny it, the fact remains in my life is that I am more than what my work entails. Which means that the expectations, the value and contributions that I bring is way way beyond what my purported job scope says. And it has been juggling so many expectations, "extra-job scope", job scope matters, external intervention- especially those of the unwelcome kind, private expectations, commitments and "masked" intervention. And from time to time, I would have to take priority of certain issues over "conventional" work.

Indeed, I did a good job of pretending that I have a normal job doing a normal work like everyone else the last couple of years but only because realization and acknowledging it means having to work on it and managing it on top of existing tasks. It would not be surprised then that more often than not, I would place work above everything else.

But after a while, I realised that the conventional work itself is a small sliver of my real work. I suspected only but only to begin to find out more when I realised that doing and obsessing over my conventional work is going to be futile because it would be like a hamster running on treadmill. You give the illusion of exertion but really you are going nowhere.

Therefore, it is at this point that, a part-time "detective" work took precedence over excelling my actual work. Think it about from my perspective: what if you realise that you are a hamster running in a caged tread mill, what then would you view the treadmill- stupid and silly isn't it.

And therefore, many have made me out as lazy and unwilling to play ball at work and not taking work seriously- then what if I tell you that the job itself is not that important, because the job is part of a larger scheme of things. how then would you approach your work: still as usual?

And once your curiosity is piqued and still no ones says anything, would you accept conventional wisdom and pretend that the whole thing is one happy Disneyland.

Of course, in order to find the truth, acting is part and parcel of the game. How then do we find the truth without jolting out the abnormality coupled with real life "method acting" of course.

And it would indeed easy to see the good guys from the bad ones- just by seeing how they take advantage of this so-called "misfortune" of mine. True to form, everything played out more nicely than I expected. And it is not a matter of survival- it is a matter of profiteering and greed. In fact, I should be the one to be scared because I am the one under threat rather than vice versa. They just swooped in that's all.

Indeed, those that spoke the loudest against me- spoke the truth. And it is through them that they reveal the truth.

Well, what is done is done. I have no other inclinations to exact revenge or anything, it is just too tiring. I am happy so long as they are happy.

The rest, well to me is just well, history.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

In Hobbies and Relationships.

Some have said that if you view you know boyfriend/girlfriend relationship so flippantly- why then were so sad the last time round?

There are so many rumours flying around, so-and-so said this and did this, he did this crazy thing and did that crazy thing. How then can he say he treat relationships so easily- must be sour grapes right...?

Well, in all relationships if there are no jealousy- then something must be really wrong, but after the dust has settled, it is just a matter of perspective.

If a relationship is a hobby- then what if you took this hobby seriously- and when things didn't turn out the way it is, it is quite fathomable that one gets disappointed right. But this hobby did not go as planned, does one continue to mop and cry over spilt milk- no right. And if you really enjoy the hobby but can't seem to get it right- you would try and try again right so long as time and other stuff permits right.

But really if you just don't have the flair for the hobby, you move on right, find other things to occupy you and eventually, you might just find the hobby quite platable for you. Hence I find it quite ridiculous that people continue to say because of the crazy things one did, it means one will never get over a person or hobby.

If I enjoy say modeling a car, I would go to great length to procure the best paint or get the best parts- people might call me anti-social for going crazy over a toy car but well, it's my hobby, did I intrude to your space or ask for your comments.

Well, relationships is like having a hobby- you enjoy it because during your spare time because you spend it fruitfully on something you enjoy. If it doesn't suit you or can't seem to have the flair for it- isn't it time to moved on. Hence indeed, whatever success and failures in a relationships- it ultimately remains a hobby, it will pass and there will be other things to do to spend your time more fruitfully. Thats unless you restrict yourself to one single hobby in your whole life time, then I don't call it a hobby and more like a committment- and it requires a whole new set of analogies altogether

Trashy people with trashy news and flitting hear-say, just like to simplify matters and make it to a matter of love and death. Quite frankly, it took me so long to clarify all these, is that I find a nuisance to explain myself to people what I do in my private time and what I see as an hobby- something of which I enjoy doing.

Do you explain to people why you play with barbie dolls in a certain way, or drive your remote car recklessly and why is that anything different from explaining how I spend my spare time.

Then of course, there are people are treat this more than a hobby- and treat it as an extension of a matter of absolute morality and character judgement. Well, on that count, I have never forced anyone to do anything that they did not wish to do. I did not threaten anyone to be with me otherwise I would kill myself.

The only thing I did was to speak loudly and crassly- and even that was not out of malice but out of good intentions. But of course, the opposite party would begged to differ but really, asked her one simple thing: Would she ever do again what she did? The answer will be a resounding no. And on that end, that was my parting "gift" to a hobby that I really did enjoy but ultimately had to let go because I just didn't had the flair for.

Well of course some would have accuse me pretending to be the nice guy- I don't think I can dig out my heart and show it to you my true intentions. But well, I don't think I need prise away $2,000 only to give it away to another person's favourite charity. Why do I need to be bad guy just so I can donate money away.

Well, this would always remain a topic of debate among gossip mongerers, do-nothings because I don't think dig out my heart and show you my true intentions- and let it be then. Well, Public Relations has a saying right, "no publicity is bad publicity". So oh well- thanks for keeping me in the limelight anyway.

Like I say, it is nothing more than a hobby. Different hobbies require a different temperament and managerial style so to speak. Hence i am not a one dimension person that have only one trick up his sleeve. Even if nothing comes up, so be it as well- things have a way of finding a way. I can't say for sure what though.

Let's give a toast to hobbies- and bobbies; and whatever your inclinations.


On Girlfriends and Fairy Tales

This isn't really a dissertation or anything, but just some observations.

I have a couple of girlfriends before and went on quite a number dates. Some work out, some don't. Some girlfriends left me, some were left by me. Quite frankly, I have never taken all these girlfriend/boyfriend stuff that seriously.

The longest courtship I ever did was one week, and I have never folded paper flowers for any of them and I have never like burn a CD of their favourite songs. Really courtship to me is like a hobby to me- I do it because I have some spare time.

I never see quite the need to bend over my back just to prove my love. I mean especially since I just met you and how do you and I know whether you are worth all the effort. But of course, many people have viewed my chatting of girls and asking them as desperation, but really, it is like asking your friends for a drink or dinner- sometimes, it works out and sometimes it don't. Nothing to be ashamed about- keep it light my friend.

To be honest, I find this idea of doing everything for a girl quite a ridiculous idea. I mean if she is just a human, why should one go through so much effort just to please one person. All men, I believe, always want to make you "feel" special but knew deep inside, don't know whether they can keep this up or is smiling wryly deep inside. That is indeed the longest serving con job of all time.

But there another type of men which I found it quite detestable and irritating actually. You can find them quite frequently. They are those insecure boys pretending to be "men" whom basically uses all types of personna to get close to a girl but never really does anything- and if a girl really finds someone, he badmouths him.

They will be the nicest person to her, does everything for her but behind her back, badmouths everyone that comes even remotely close to her. My first thought is that if you can keep this personna- good for you; and if this girl likes you for this personna, you can have her- because I think she is a nutcase and divorce from reality. And good luck, keeping up the appearances, she is your problem now. Thanks for filtering though.

So long as there is men around, there will always be women- especially those pretty ones- that thinks everyday is a disneyland and she is a princess. Because hot-blooded men will always over-compensate to keep the women happy. They would rather buy that car to fetch the girl around while eating bread everyday.

Women safe in their disneyland castle will never know the truth while the men worry about trying to find the next "wow" factor to please the woman. Then it all gets tired, then everyone breaks up, thats when the women finds out the it's prince is nothing more than a glorified pauper. But of course, if you are pretty- then you would always find another sucker to buy you that princess dream again.

So really heartbreak, romance and all these coupling stuff to me is really just an enjoyable hobby to me. If I am really busy, I might not even think about it. But really, after you past 21 year birthday- isn't it something that if you even if your have or don't, it doesn't really matter that much.

Sometimes, it's not very worth it to build another person's castle dreams isn't it.

So when I broke up with girlfriend once, a friend commented: how come you look ok. Well, this hobby didn't quite work out and we tried our best to work it out and really if both sides ae not happy, it is best to part ways and move on. I can only hope we can remain friends. But it's really tough I know sometimes.

I went on many dinners and drinks, and some work out and other's don't. Some women make it a point to scrutinize every pore on your body like it's an indication of cancer- that makes me extremely uncomfortable. And there are some who bring friends along hoping for a second opinion. I find it uncomfortable too, am I auditioning for Singapore's next heartthrob- why do I need to face a panel.

Anyway, a dinner is a dinner, and a drink is a drink. Sometimes, there is more too it and sometimes there aren't. Whatever it is, get a life. Life is more important than worrying whether a sharply-coiffed hair, is an indication of virility and long term happiness.

Time to work out my abs, just in case, some women likes manual clothes washing of the bodily kind.

Hypocrites and Parasites

Hypocrisy is a word not often mention in the same breath as your loved ones, family and friends. Indeed it is a word mentioned in the same breath as your enemies.

And what if your friends, loved ones are hypocrites, hence by definition your enemies. Let us examine therefore what makes one an hypocrite and then ultimately your truest nemesis.

Hypocrites really by itself it means doing one thing while meaning or saying another. It means an act or action in itself is served by only self-interest and is only masked by false pretense or act to hide it's malicious intent.

A hypocrite in the highest form therefore convinces the victim of it's self-sacrifice and therefore gains it's favour while ultimately plotting it's demise. It means killing you while convincing the victim and everyone else he/she is the good guy.

Therefore by it's definition, a hypocrite is often the person closest to you which can gain maximum favour while inflicting maximum damage. Using a national analogy, it is treason of the highest order on a personal basis.

And therefore a hypocrite is master emotional manipulator. It creates conflict between those that have contararian interest to his/her's, weakens those with the biggest threat and would form alliances even with unscrupulous insofar that would serves his/her interest.

He or she knows that to defeat a nemesis is not win him/her but is to break his/her will. He/she is ultimately a parasite and virus that if not stopped will cause disharmony and will rob everyone else of his/her dignity for his/her own gain.

How then does one spot such a parasitic hypocrite- who shape-shifts to his/her advantage?

Find the decision-maker and those that can influence the mood of situation to shape decisions to his/her advantage- and you can find that hypocrite. In other words, find rich and powerful among the group and you can find the biggest hypocrite within the group.

Bear that in mind, a hypocrite always have his/her self-interest at heart- hence if he/she does or say sudden things that would exploit an awkward situation or act as "incredibly" weak.

In order words, all actions are exaggerated are aimed at maximizing emotional intensity- either positive or negative. then henceforth you find that despicable hypocrite.

And you find that hypocrite, never soften that heart. Because, that is exactly the point. Only by maximizing that emotional intensity, can he/she break your will or made you do something that you otherwise would not.

Always remember they hide behind shadows and would never show their true intentions, because if they would, they would dilute it's effect and can on longer can be "fly on the wall" and "parasites" at the same time.

And they are deeply neurotic and pathetic creatures as well because they keep their anger, sadness to themselves so as to prevent exposure. There would be Freudian Slip- like those of a careless snide remark.

Very often they are those with that perfect act to demonstrate their sachharine wholesomeness and almost that perfect person except for that one "bad person" who seem to be stopping him/her from being perfect. Once, a name comes up, that "exception" to his/her "perfectness", welcome you have been played.

They are wrapping their vine around you; wringing deep hatred or anger or sympathy towards or against their target- depending on their intentions- so as to get what they want. They would maximize that feeling towards or against that person- causing exaggerated rift or sympathies.

The act itself- right or wrong- is no longer important, it is that emotion attached to this person that would short-circuit the brain and would induce anger or sympathies which is their ultimate aim. They have form a shortcut, personna or stereotype to your judgement- both emotional and rational- at the mere mention or appearance of the name, person or group. Indeed that is the beauty of stigma or stereotypes that they have covertly exploited.

Yes, they are despicable and yes, they are all around. And yes, they are disgusting. And yes, they are unscrupulous and always remember they have no heart except those of their own.

Always remember they are parasites and should be removed at all cost- otherwise they would jeopardize group dynamics. And unfortunately, they do not have a big word: "parasite" on their forehead. But they are when you find one- very often they are just next to you.

Take care and nights.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Of Vultures and Tigers

Many vultures and tigers have been encircling me since I was a young boy.

I had showed precocious ability to grasp concepts, perceive things and make relationships between things to make it intelligible. I was outspoken as well, stubborn and headstrong to a fault- and will not be won over unless I am persuaded analytically.

I pick up languages fast, was an above-average sports person, and can engage people on many levels since young. I spoke convincingly but honestly. I am not a person of dogma and was flexible in my analysis.

The only fault of mine was the inability to read where the wind blows. I had never understood the need to pander to the favours of the higher-ups or anyone senior insofar that they do not serve any purpose. I was functional insofar that the system was dysfunctional. I spoke against dysfunctions rather than for favours- that has proven to be my Achilles heel.

I was the functional best but was the political worst.

I have to say this was partly a deliberate attempt on my end not to meddle with things of power till I was older. Of what use is a student or a kid speaking against any perceived flaws or flaws. Who the hell would give a damn to a person with pimples on the face.

Hence I focus on knowing as much as possible, experimenting as much as possible, reading as much as possible without causing too much of a stir. This would allow me to know as much as possible without anyone interfering. If you are not a threat, everyone leaves you alone.

That's why I have no aspirations to be a scholar or a brilliant student because the expectations of adults would weigh upon you- why put yourself in such a spot at a such a young age.

Indeed, it can be said, I think I outsmarted everyone and even the system who had effectively funded my education at my own pace and at my own curriculum.

As a young boy, student, I was always egged on to study harder but I am not always motivated to top the class. I was interested in knowing what the world was for what it is rather than what the books say.

Many obedient students would study the ass of, but have no clue of how the world really works. When they come up to society, they apply their textbook concepts to the world and make things worse. And textbooks have a way of explaining things away hence they graduated to PhDs and go on to pass on their rather narrow knowledge to an even wider scope of people. Sometimes, I wonder how does a 30 year old Phd graduate who never step out of his lab teach anyone to run the world

There is a reason that these smart people with Phds are sidelined in society and hardly heard off, because they did not know how the world actually work. Otherwise, if they do, they would have ruled the world since they are suppose to be the smartest right.

Indeed, that's how I come in with some refreshing ideas coupled with interesting concepts with the language and concepts to explain things as well- one which the book smarts don't know of and the street smarts do not know how to articulate about.

Hence I knew from a young age, many people have been eyeing on me waiting for me to blossom. And I knew from a young age, I had the excuse of innocence and adolescence to not bother about things that complicate matters and I had to take full advantage of it otherwise my education would not be complete.

Now the vultures and tigers have finally shown it's true form, they have plundered and pilfered for a long time hiding behind smoke screens of virtue and duty- of which I choose not to acknowledge earlier as the timing wasn't right

It might be too late though, the vultures and tigers are already encircling for the kill. But realization is part of game rather than living in a lifetime of ignorance and thievery- of which I have witnessed first hand on others.

The vultures and tigers whom have been feeding off me all these years would have to show themselves otherwise, they run the risk of starvation for the rest of their pathetic and despicable lives.


I am a simple man. I want nothing more than basic necessities and simple luxuries, some peace and quiet, and some work that can engage me. Anything else though welcomed, is nothing more than a bonus.

But although I am simple, it does not mean that complexity and trouble would not plagued me. I often take a simple attitude and task to the next level because my mind is simple, my mind is only what I have at hand. Anything else would have to be managed to ensure it's success and completion.

There are some whom have taken admiration to this simplicity and there are some as a result, whom are unable to accept such easy-going attitude as a recipe for success. Indeed, had I been more ambitious, I would have more conventional success and fortune. But unfortunately, my mind work in a way that does not value external rewards but doing a good job.

Indeed, there are many whom have called me disruptive, difficult and negative. And quite frankly, I have never taken all these heart other than the fact they are inconvenient hindrances- preventing me from doing an even better job.

But of course, there are many- in fact a large majority- whom value external affirmation as a demonstration of success. Hence, my criticism- whom could be directed at doing a better job- is often construed as sabotaging their value to themselves and to others. And hence as a result, these detractors viewed this a personal attack and not one of constructive criticism- which might or might not help them.

Very often I ask myself who vehemently defend very benign criticisms or suggestions: Are they more bothered with defending their name or are they more concerned with doing a proper job?

Very often is the former because consequently, many spend their time attacking me and weakening my suggestions and positions then seriously considering my questions or even looking to clarify what I was trying to say.

To some regret, had I held my tongue- perhaps be a little more stupid- perhaps I would have enjoyed a little more conventional success- like promotions and pay raises.

But ultimately, I realised that although my heart was in the right place, it doesn't mean that the other's had the same idea as well. Most wanted visibility, management validations and public recognition.

These are concerns of self-interest- of which is most warranted.

But to a simple mind like mine where the task at hand is paramount- and the rewards would naturally come with it's success, it would almost appear that such self-interested behaviour would ultimately harm one's self-interested outcomes; which at the end of the day, one is judge of the ultimate success of the project rather than the external promotion of one's self-worth.

A Chip on the Shoulder.

Have you at times look into a decision and ask yourself all the various obstacles and uncertainties that you faced, and as your heart palpitates and a sense of helplessness grips you and on the other hand, you look again, there is a a form of security and surety, though dull and uninspiring, at least there is a guarantee of basic live and survival- and then you walk that latter and well-trodden path?

There is no shame in choosing surety and stability over excitement, uncertainty and risk. Surely, we must live for even excitement and passion to survive in the first place right- and indeed that is the common wisdom.

But in choosing one of guaranteed outcomes, one loses the benefits of unintended consequences in choosing risk. They say a man with nothing to lose is indeed dangerous because faced with death- any other options seem more favourable than that. And therefore goes on a path of destruction and sometimes creation, in order to forge a path for himself- previously deemed impossible.

Indeed the road appears insurmountable but if surety is not an option then a risk or attempt at the impossible appears to be it's best bet. And beating the odds and even beaten by them appears to be no shame and if he does survive- infamy and authority normally follows. For he/she did what no person done before.

And therein lies the benefits of unintended consequences. In surety, we forgo our chance for creation for that of survival and stability. But when the heart palpitates and faced with a moment of truth, fear normally grips us. And it is normal. But when we pierce through the fear, one enter the realm of the unknown and that of creation.

Unintended consequences is not all positive. And there is a reason for fear in the first place.

Think about the experience of your first love. You were coming of age, you don't know what to say to your partner and would he/she like to do; and whether he/she likes you or not. But nonetheless, you went along with it.

Think about your first pay cheque. You had work very hard for this project and even when your pay was meagre, it was all the more satisfying and the skills you learnt, put you on your way now.

But in between, the passion and satisfaction, it was tinged with sadness, of confusion, frustration and sometimes helplessness. But somehow, when you look back, it seems to come together now.

Without your first love, you wouldn't know where the best restaurants, what flowers to get on what days and how to get around awkward situations. And without your first meagre pay cheque, you wouldn't know how to talk to strangers, you wouldn't know how to handle difficult bosses and colleagues and manage people and customers.

And all these are unintended consequences of which put you in a good stead and your intended consequence was to get the girl or to get the job done. At that point, you wouldn't think of these as unintended consequences but rather that as inconveniences, difficulties and even sadness- but in retrospect, what would happen if you didn't do it. It came together later because you tried earlier.

The older we get, the less we bother with trying. First marriage, then the mortgage, then the kids and lastly the whole list of other commitments related with the kids. And it is not without due cause that we chose the safe route because the risk escalates as we get older and with more commitments.

Therefore, I am rather surprised with many young people and kids burdening themselves with keeping a straight route and expectations.

When you are younger, it is your best time to experiment otherwise when you older, you nothing more than a grown-up kid. But of course, never experiment with things like drugs or fail your exams of which can screw up your future irreparably.

When I was younger, I tried quite a number things. Some healthy, some not quite so. I was not choir boy that was for sure, neither am I boy scout. I was not really that wholesome but neither did I anything irreversibly stupid as well.

But I am not sure why, I feel my life was much more enriching than some of my ex-straight A classmates but not as debauchery as some of my less than savoury friends.

I will always have a chip on my shoulder and I am glad for that. I will continue chipping it away until it is not advisable to do so but even then there would be other ways in doing so.



Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ends and Means: What "Is" and What "Should"

My moral judgement in many issues is fairly simple: the ends justify the means insofar that it does not fatally or seriously impair the other person, group or organization. In other words, the ends must justify the means as well.

If for example, your job or objective for particular task is to say to land a job or to clean up the house then insofar the means of getting there must approximate that of the ends of getting there. If for example, you lie, cheat, manipulate to land a job then how does doing all these help you in doing a good job after landing the job.
Because landing a job means doing a good job and getting paid good money to do it unless your principle of doing a good day's wages differs from mine.

If your task for example for today say is cleaning up the place, then the means of getting there should be getting it done, rather than focusing on who, what, and when does it. And what you do-or means of getting there- interferes of reaching your end or goal like complaining and nitpicking, you are effectively self-sabotaging yourself or have ulterior ends besides cleaning the house as your objective. Either way, you are either 1) a poor manager or worker 2) hypocritical or manipulative/ 2 face.

Hence there have many instances where I was not happy or have been wrongly accused of being negative, when to the naked eye- it would appear that a person seems particularly scrupulous or detailed; and therefore extremely dedicated to the job- but in reality, he/she is effectively sabotaging his/her own job because she did not allow the work to flow; either through poor work arrangement or looking to impose himself/herself onto others without consideration for the work at hand. In colloquial terms, it means a lousy or poor boss or manager.

I find this phenomenon rather widespread not just at the work place or also in all aspects of personal life.

It is on this note to bring it back to the aspect of moral judgement of right and wrong.

Hence, at times, it might appear I would get angry at the smallest thing or detail but in effect I am not angry at the shoddiness of the work- that can be trained or corrected- but rather I am angry at the manipulative nature of certain acts.

One did not do a job well not because he was stupid or was not trained well but because he wanted to hurt someone and that to me- in any form, be it at work or personally- should not be tolerated. Skills can be trained finitely but not character or moral fibre. Dedication to me do not precludes hypocrisy.

The other day, I went to a restaurant to eat with a friend. A dozen waiters and managers walked past me without batting an eyelid, as if my friend and I was invisible. But at the same time, some other customers got the attention and time of the servers and continue to ignore my friend and I.

It is at this moment that I knew something was not right, they were ignoring on purpose and not out of busy service. I knew that they were under instructions to ignore me and I question the intention of the management to do so. And I knew from that moment on, it is going to be rough night.

Indeed, in such aspect, I should be nitpicking on their service but rather I questioned the intentions of these actions. It would appear that they were not running a business when they serve me but they were looking to frustrate or insult me. I wouldn't say they were wrong to do this, but I think if they are open for business, they should be serving equally efficiently regardless of who this person is.

Therefore in this aspect, the downsides of patronialism comes into play. We pick and choose who we want to serve or do depending on the strength of relationship. This would work if you are choosing your wife or girlfriend. If you here as a business entity or open for business, then act like one- and provide products and service as advertised. Don't play favourites because at best you look unethical, at worst, you look like crony.

Therefore, it is not because I am extremely hot-tempered and I flared up for no good reason but rather certain things just isn't right. Especially, when you say one thing and do the other, then by any moral standards, that isn't right.

What "is" very often deviate from what "should". But ultimately, how close one gets to what "should" while living in the world of what "is"- is in itself a testimony of ends triumphing over the means. And a test of what is "right" and what is "wrong".

Propaganda and Censorship.

Can propaganda and censorship be justified on any grounds?

In today's information age, it appears freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom to do whatever one deems necessary for "public" interest should be protected at all cost. It has become a buzzword for protecting the people from a "rogue" government or ruling class.

Flipping the coin on it's head, who is to protect the people from "rogue" causes then? At the same time, can malicious motive- like destabilizing of internal politics- hide behind seemingly altruistic actions and causes?

Hence wouldn't the idea of "freedom of speech", "freedom of association and assembly" impede actions taken by security forces- both overtly and covertly. At the same time, it would be easy to typecast the actions of security personnel as infringing on "rights of freedom and speech" and therefore seen as undemocratic and coercive.

The images of journalist and activist being locked away and put under cuffs by the media and led by stern faced police personnel portrays an intolerant and repressive regime bent on putting down any dissent. It almost seem that these disparate group of people is bullied into submission- and therefore sympathies and heart would always go to this people; and independent of the guilt of the infringement.

An assumption is therefore made on the prevailing government as repressive and heavy-handed but the innocence or guilt of these people eludes the viewers. At the same time, we would never know the true outcome due to security concerns. This put a veil of secrecy of which it would almost appear that the perpetrators are tortured and made to confess.

On the flip side, the idea of "freedom of speech, assembly or association" and democracy and it's often espoused benefits is that it provide a check on the government. It's idea is that more often than not the people would get it right more than they get it wrong. Hence even if the protest proves disruptive and counter-productive to the function of society, economy and state, it is therefore a necessary inconvenience and evil.

It is therefore that activist, protesters and alternatives are tolerated and even celebrated as heroes- regardless of whether their actions have proven to be beneficial.

But the conservatives and security sector of a society would take this view otherwise. The conservatives view would be one of invasion of traditional values and consequently dilution of national identity, values, culture and unit.

In other quarters, these activist or protesters are seen as unhealthy agents tasked to cause internal disruption and to assert it's unwelcome influence. The world of foreign policy and global politics is one which most citizens are ignorant of hence vulnerable to. Therefore certain section of governments would think that the citizens must be protected from these unwelcomed influence and unwittingly become a nuisance to themselves.

It is at this juncture that the question of propaganda and censorship comes into play.

The question therefore would be one that does the people have the ability to discern the right from the wrong or does the government with it's informational superiority decide and therefore impose it's view on what is said and what is not.

Related to the above question do we take the bet that more often than not, the people would get it right than wrong- and the more rights would outweigh the wrongs. In other words, the wrongs are a necessary evil and inconvenience to ensure that the system actually works.

I do not know of any country that do not practice censorship and propaganda. All states and government know that "freedom of speech and thought" is a myth. In fact the idea of "freedom of speech and association" is a propaganda in itself.

In theory and in law, our rights are protected- but in practice, what we know, watch and read have already restricted, vetted and aligned and even if we have the freedom to say it; we do not have the language to articulate it out in the first place.

It is therefore that most if not all states recognized that essentially the "citizens cannot be trusted" to make the right choice- and therefore have employed censorship, propaganda to further their national objectives; and even the most free nations are not immune to this.

In the end, as citizens of so-called "free" and "democratic" world, it is extremely disheartening to know that we have been dumbed down. In utopia, we do not need to make choices, but in the one that we lived in, take it as a necessary trade-off of which we have to make in order to live in a less chaotic world governed somewhat by something you and I would understand.

At the end of the day, just don't take things so seriously and knowing a little lesser things and giving in just a little more wouldn't hurt; I think everyone would do just fine.