Wednesday, March 21, 2012

On Bullying and Fear

What is bullying? what is tantamount to bullying?

If a person that bullies, but the bulli-ee, so to speak does not feel intimidated, does it amount to bullying?

There have been instances where people felt pitiful when they perceived that I was being bullied. And there were instances where the bully bullied, but I was not intimidated but felt rather puzzled and perplexed. And of course the funny thing is that the bully intensifies the bullying, and rather than feeling intimidated, I felt even more puzzled and perplexed.

A person often bullies because he/she is fearful and on the contrary felt, well intimidated. That's why a person seldom bullies alone, he always bullies in a group.

The point of bullying is fear, but if the bulli-ee doesn't feel bullied or intimidated- why the hell do you continue and make yourself look even more stupid. Bullying and intimidation is the hallmark of society and sometimes, it defines economies even. Well isn't monopoly built around bullying, gangsterism built around bullying and intimidation.

Anyway, the more intense one bullies or intimidates, the more curious I become rather than fearful. Well, the point is why the hell does the person or organization fear me- a pathetic one man with so little resources - so much. Anyway, I think I am missing the amygdala part of my brain- rather than running from it, I run towards it. I am stupid like that.

But anyway, well, in order to extract the best value out of bullying- wouldn't the product be fear itself. Why insist on a course of action that bears no end or fruit, is a concept that puzzles me. When you have neither the thing that the bulli-ee wants or fears, why insist on a course of action that made you well rather incompetent and stupid and quite frankly very laughable like a "human gorilla"

And of course, fear is a emotion that many put a premium hence many have paid for it's reduction and giving a sense of security. That's why one form gangs, alliances, organization, association, companies and even governments to combat that fear. But when the organization intimidates to extract a payment, wouldn't that run contrary to the very idea of that organization in the first place.

What if the person or organization who prevents fear also produces the same fear- to justify payment and the reason of it's existence in the first place. Think protection money in it's most crudest form and of course, certain people and organization are more subtle and sophisticated organization in collecting payment and ensuring compliance.

Of course, there are some who do that, not all of course. But indeed, the idea of fear and intimidation are most resonant in those who perpetuates it. Otherwise, why do you think they know where to hit the right spots.

Indeed all bullies do take note, if you want to bully or intimidate someone, do find out what he/she wants or fears before you intend to do any bullying. Otherwise, you would be seen as "stupid" or an untrained animal like a "gorilla" or "paper tiger".

Well at least if you do bully effectively, you might just be lauded as a leader or an authoritative figure or at worst, a "paranoid and insecure bully" only- which at least gives you a "get-out-of jail" card based on the sympathy of the "maternal protective" kind. Awww....

Nights all.


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