Wednesday, December 04, 2013

In God, we trust.

What makes Hitler kills so many Jews in the name Nazism- Power. But what gives him power over millions and makes other's be compelled by his words and how does the Germans followed his words and orders without remorse nor humanity. If Obama were to start a genocide- why could he not compelled his people to kill in the name of the strongest nation in the world. He is powerful- given- relative to the rest of the nations, he has lot's administrative power-given- and he also has the media to influence people to do likewise- and why does not be able to move the people to do likewise. Simply because we have alternatives and doubts.

People who do not have doubts nor alternatives have the ability to will itself to commit heinous crimes in the name of a higher cause. The Spanish Inquisition, the Crusade and all other forms of ideology which form a tautological ecological fallacy in the consciousness in the minds of these people. Let us leave the existence of God aside in this particular instance:

In God's will, I command you to ______. And once then given the idea of an other-worldly mandate, it then see itself as the vessel of which carries the order of something higher. Suddenly God's mind is is his mind. This means that I am carrying God's work and not my work hence I have every right to command you. This is so Five Hundred years ago. Fast Forward to 20th century, where Hitler is able to compel millions to his bidding without the idea of an "higher" being.

I really doubt that it is simply just due to propaganda and Gestapo, Grobbels says: "when you repeat the lie long enough, it becomes the truth." This means that there is a split between the higher cause and the person carrying out this command. All then does anyone reconcile the fact that watching your neighbor slaughtered and pretending that it is really the nation's cause and prolonging the Teutonic blood- or really Aryan blood for that matter.

There must be re-ordering of the cause and effect in the mind's of these people that ensure that guilt, shame and kinship is no longer primal instincts to prevent the genocide from happening. The Jews are often blamed for being rich misers and sucking the blood out of the working and middle class Germans. They are painted in caricature as fat cats which skinned alive and with no shred of humanity but with wealth in their minds. But suddenly what if your neighbor is the same person which gave you butter and oil when you most need it.

Fear is often the easy by-word to overcome guilt, shame and kindred spirit but it is more than that. Fear does not systematically install hatred and revenge. It is the systematic draining of all emotions from these acts as nothing more than part and parcel which replaces humanity with a kind of systematic hatred with carthasis coming from the release of it- a schoolyard laughing at the loser at the playground. This means that all emotions are brought down to a level of cruelty justified only by the politically charged atmosphere which can only ameliorated by childhood. This means that you can do anything you want, but just don't get caught. In fact, getting caught is like a thrill. Either you kill off the loser or you let it go- it is just fun. Letting go means, he can come back again and provide a sense of cheap thrill. And so the cartoonish Jews come into play. We can kill you simply because you are a cartoon character, a Charlie Brown if you like.

In the modern context, of course, killing another person simply because of taxonomy is wrong. But what is not wrong, is having the ability to dictate the actions of other's which gives a thrill similar to the above. This means that if I can compel another to do our bidding- of what illegal action is there in doing so. This means that I did nothing, it's free will, my dear boy. Unfortunately this is not free will. There is a false choice put up by other's in the name of schoolyard fun and it is fantastic social control tool-simply because it is "harmless".

This means that like the Nazi's, I am simply creating a ideal society built upon ideals dictated by an order and this can done by simply making sure the school playground is big enough for everyone to play. The loser can play the slide for all I care, just make sure that he knows he is the loser- and everyone have the right to laugh at him so long as you do not touch him. Everyone have fun, and everyone wins. We have regress to the point of schoolboys in the name of social control simply because anyone who escapes the gaze, will face the will of those around of him/her.

This panopticon in this case, is a self regulating mechanism built upon by the stick of prison guards of the prison. Have all the fun you want, but make sure that you observe the rules. So where does this fudge with the causal order. We did wrong- we feel guilty; becomes we did something wrong, we are following orders. Viola. Perfect and Magnifique. The prison guards can sit and watch each other destroy themselves. Schoolboys are easy to handle.

There isn't a need for alternatives simply  because there is peace. And since peace is a given condition of the continuation of all community, regardless of the personality of the people- we can do whatever we want and still nothing will happen and in fact, we might thrive, so long as we don't rouse the guards.

It took an outsider, the Americans to put the Germans back in it's place and revert them back to a level of collective guilt. But it would take a schoolboy a lifetime to realize the regression of its emotional state.

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