Thursday, December 05, 2013

The poor old lady

Will you ever help an outsider? Under what circumstances would you help an outsider? And must there be a social contract tied to helping an outsider- this means that, does the principle of reciprocity does not apply to people of the same "place? This means that, only self-interest supersedes all needs to maintain a cordial and proper social relationship. This means that this person will have outside interest or does not have the same objective as "us" hence, all actions is pro quid quo.

When I mean us, it means people of different "categories" and affinities. When I see a visitor, do I treat him/her with respect but with distance but at the same time, not allowing overlapping interest to happen. This means this guest can consume he/she wants but unless I offer to him/her. Whatever the motive is besides the point.

I will argue at this point the salience of any categories or affinities but rather, if an "outsider" comes and offers help, does it mean that he/she wants to placed common interest with you. Let us put aside the idea of a good Samaritan or altruism. Why does a person feel toxic that an "outsider" offers something but without "something" in return so to speak. Under what cirumstances does the above scenario feels uncomfortable for the host, so to speak.

Let us, just say, I knock on the door and offer to clean the house for free- you will say I am crazy. But what if I tell you that I have a professional housecleaner and I done with my job hence out of coincidence, I offer to help- does it mean that I am going to steal things from your home or really trying to be nice and gain acceptance from you.

Why can't altruism, in this case, be one-sided, this means that I offer to help, but it doesn't mean that you accept but it doesn't mean that I cannot be nice to you. You might think I am toxic, but it doesn't mean that I think I am toxic and how does making feel me toxic make you any worse as an opposite party. This means that I feel good, I want to make you feel but you reject me, does it make me any worse. No.

This means that as an outsider, I am not asking for acceptance, I am going in to help you. You might not like me, but it doesn't stop me from asking, isn't it- and feeling good at the same time. And of course, you might not feel comfortable but how does you not feeling comfortable got to do with an outsider helping you.

We might not have common interest but I have my own interest, and if you don't feel comfortable with the entire arrangement- how does your opinion affect the opinion of myself.

I am OFFERING help, and it is your job to accept or reject- how has that got to do with being an outsider, an insider or anything else.

The reason for all these is for one simple reason that time is on my hands, and it might not be yours but it doesn't mean that I should not be helping you simply because you are not asking or offering an reward in return.

It is getting very uncomfortable to offer help without asking for anything in return without looking really stupid- this continues to puzzle me- simply because if it is free, and if you feel suspicious. The best answer, "Adios, or Au Revoir.".

The only day I offer a seat to someone old- and she stared at me. And when I simply don't give a damn- everyone looks like they don't care. Poor old lady.

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