Sunday, January 27, 2013

Categorically happy

You know that you are in a limbo when you are really don't give a damn about who you are with.

At a certain stage in life, you just don't really care whether you have anyone to go out with. Today is a day and tomorrow will be another.

If someone comes and pops up well and good- if it doesn't, then so be it as well.

This is not resignation, it's not because one can't but rather one just can't seem to muster the energy to go through the whole thing.

I think if it is not convenient, it is almost not worth the effort. And the best part is that effort is almost the prerequisite for everything- and the more effort, one puts in, the more inconvenient it becomes.

Once you get the feet wet, you really don't want to get it wet again if it is too troublesome. As in you get the experience of it- then you will realize that, there are so many things in this world, why the obsession with one single one.

Therefore, when you are at a particular stage, you will feel that come what may- there are a thousand and one things to fret over than constantly worry about that one thing.

Hence if it is it is to be it- then you should let sleeping dogs lie. I don't expect to have much changes in the near future and I do not wish to have it any other way.

Therefore I can categorically declare that I am happy where I am- and really don't expect much changes from me.

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