Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pandora's Box at the Office: Part 2

This was written at about 7 something to 8 something at a cafe in town on 22/1 Tues:

I can safely tell you that I have never worked for money in my life before. Not that, I have always been provided for but rather money has always been a means to an end than an end itself.

I can safely tell you that the amount of money that I bragged about is not because I am extremely proud of it but rather I still don't understand what's the big hooha about having that much money.

I have walked into the Sentosa houses worth more than $40 million dollars before and have met people with more money than God- and all they really want is some privacy that's all.

All they ever wanted was someone to advise them somberly and not look at the number or zeros in their account and go salivating. They are so ordinary that you would think that they belong to retiree home. I have signed a deal worth more than half a million dollars at the void deck of a three room HDB flat.

I have signed a loan deal over the phone worth more than 5 million dollars without once meeting them formally. I still don't understand the concept of looking the part of being professional and all so expert.

I bought a house worth more than our current HDB flat with my mom within 2 hours of viewing the showflat- and I still don't see the big deal about my apartment really.

I still don't really what is the big deal about working for the sake for working and looking nice doing it. I have to work I know but if you worked in a oil rig earning half a million dollars and looking dirty- the choice is rather clear.

Most office workers who knocked on time do not earn more than $4,000 dollars trust me. There is really nothing to shout about when you have a car to pay, KTV to go and LV wallets to buy.

Most people enjoy the idea of working and not why they work in the first place. They like to feel productive but the productivity does not commensurate with the money though. Hence they engage in mundane activities that never add value to their c.v or company- they like to be looked to be working than really working.

Hence when I started to work- it was rather frustrated with the ineptness of many. They had the capacity to do but for some apparent reason- they refused to see the importance of doing what is useful rather than what should be.

It was not that difficult to move up in that environment because simply I did anything to achieve my objective. And I have my own personal agenda in mind as well- the idea was rather simple- would you do something if you have the choice to do- and if it is yes, what is stopping you?

And if it means getting the job down just to get your job done- why is there so many other constraints.

I am going to sound like a maverick in a company but everyone who knows me at work that I am anything but. I didn't produce miracles- I just do anything that have to done that's all.

And if they don't pay me enough to do all these and it does nothing to my career- why bother with a stinking company in the first place.

I would be first to voice out and last to complain. I have spoke out to management before regardless of their rank and no one has ever complained about my work ethic once.

They will know- the results count for itself really. They just refused to see it and I refused to comply if it doesn't suit my career objectives. Why should I- you hire me to do a job and I am here on a salary and I have my youth to think of to.

Yes, I should have respect but I respect the position and not the person- if it doesn't warrant it- and if there is an issue, i always go through proper channels and never circumvent the position. Hence till this day, I still have a good c.v and my reputation precedes me most of the time and they always get what they want and more. Whatever they sticks is most hearsay and whatever that is inside is always evidential- hence do you ever think that I cannot do the job, not once have that doubt crossed my mind.

The pastures is always greener on the other side- I am the other side- not the other company. This has never been lost in my mind- they just cannot handle it that's all.

I have heard so many weird stories about me from me forging signatures to transfer money to my account to me and that's why I have so many things to things like I slashed price and share things indiscriminately.

How can I be sharing things indiscriminately when most of the info belongs to me. If I am smart and people believed me and think is valuable- which part of the information that comes from my mouth belongs to the company.

I did my private research and people have faith in me- which part of the faith is proprietary to the company- surprises me.

And if I eat salmon sandwich for lunch and suddenly salmon sandwich becomes popular- does it mean that my diet also belongs to the company.

I eat because I like to eat- whatever does it got to do with my work.

And even if I am overdoing part of my job- what has that got to with my colleagues- I am underpaid, not you right. I have my own agenda and maybe the boss likes me for being underpaid- so can you- but I still have a better c.v than most right. So really who is the stupid one.

Hence my c.v is still the best record- whatever anyone can say. And do you really afraid that I would be jobless for long- apparently more people are more worried about me than I am about myself.

Like I always say, do not confuse what I can have with what I don't have.

Anyway, I have many friends pressing home their career 'superiority'- the best part that many have told me is that they have travelled around the world- but doing the same thing. How has doing the same thing and travelling around the world figure in a c.v continues to surprise me. Unless you are interviewing to be a tour guide or something that is.

I have travelled to a few countries- paid by company- to have fun that is.

I am never pressing home to say that I have best career that everyone has- but there isn't a need to say that I am better than you because I travel around the world. An air steward travels more often than you. There isn't really a need to compare who makes more money than you- unless you are chasing a gal- and if the gal chooses on that account, I would gladly step aside.

I am just glad that you have been promoted so many times and have a glamourous job- I am not jealous, I am not sure why is there a need to prove one is right.

Well the difference is that i made the strait times and you didn't- I didn't say it- they said it. So just suck it ok.

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