Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Que Sera Sera

There are many important things in life. When I was 15, the most important thing in life was to get a pair of Levi's jeans and I really didn't quite like the run-of-mill jeans that I normally wear. It was something I wanted.

When I was 21, the only thing that I ever wanted was to get my then ex-girlfriend to patch back with me. I drove to her place and waited for a few hours and she passed a message and I left. A few months later, she sought me again to come back but I didn't, simply because it was time to moved on.

When I was 25, the last thing I ever wanted was to grow up. I held back from seriously finding a job until a few months after a graduation for a job that I didn't like.

When I was 28, the only thing I didn't want was to be bored with my life- hence I decided to work very hard and see how far I can get. I climbed so fast and almost simultaneously that I almost forgot how easy my life was then.

When I was 31, the only thing I didn't want was the life of many other's around me. I sought then to find a path of my own- and now I sit here with a path so less-travelled that when I look back, everything that culminated have come up to this point.

There isn't another me out there in this world I know, and as I sit here typing this particular article, I looked back almost with no regrets with everything that I have done- in spite of the many misgivings that I have along the way. Simply because, not once that did I say that I didn't know what I want to do and floated along.

I swim along the tide when it was easy- I swam against when I see no point in buying the Levi's jeans anymore.

I do not deny that looking back, I might have made use of a few people in my life to go through the routine of my life- consciously or unconsciously- and sad to say, I am really not that sorry to let them go.

Everybody changed, and admittedly, I have changed in a manner of which I couldn't expect it myself if you ask me back a few years back.

But if I do have to say that- if I can just explain to you what I see and what I have experienced- you would have done exactly the same thing that I have done. And if I cannot explained to you what I see and what I have experienced- then I am sad to say that it is best to allow the misunderstanding to move along and I think in time- everything will reveal by itself- just like the different layers of life and as you peel the various layers of an onion to reveal the core.

And for some, who are happy to just see what they see, then I am sorry that it is your decision to do what you want to do and if you so wish that: then I am sorry the misunderstanding would carry on for an indefinite period of time- then may you keep the memory that once at least, we had the same perspective and shared a time and place together.

Que Sera Sera.


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