Saturday, July 06, 2013

Mr Q legend

I used to think how these people who treat me like a fool or weirdo for the past one year actually see themselves. You see, they never know that I actually know what they are saying behind my back or doing behind my back. All they ever see is a smiley, good natured guy who never seems to get ruffled.

I have no intention of treating them like a fool dancing around like little smurfs but you see I have no way of convincing them that they like little pinkies dancing around a totem. Thinking that the totem actually doesn't know what is happening. I don't know to explain to little children that stop playing the games that you play because you look like a fool to me. The best way for such people is simply give them what they are so good at- looking like fools. So I give them the biggest Mr Q impersonation and fool the whole world have ever seen.

You see it was not that difficult to lead them on, it is because of their condescending attitude and pride that did them in. They have a desperate need to show who is superior, who is better, who is smarter, who is more successful, who is better-off. I just let them win everything that's all. But in the end, they get nothing from me except an ego trip that's all. For those that have shown humility and a sense of decency, on the contrary, I don't care about them- simply because if I were to attach myself to them, it would implicate them. Hence, like in the previous post, it is my way of showing thank you to them.

Hence, I have noticed that for the latter group of people, they have been rewarded by others and not by me, in which some people actually concur with my judgement. You see, some people actually take advantage of my idea to try different things which means to reach the mind of people less fortunate of me and make me look like a fool. I know exactly how they feel now and how low and unscrupulous some people can be to people less fortunate than themselves.

For me, I know the funny tactics of these people, I simply act stupid because I know not everyone can see what I see and I need to know what went wrong for them. They have no idea the amount of ruse and con job they have been through to denied opportunities. You see, for me, I have really nothing big to lose. I simply become a leaching good for nothing- and I will not die. But some of the less unfortunate people, they don't even have this luxury.

I have noticed that it is those in the middle whom are the most calculative and most scheming. It is because they cannot decide whether to take the risk or keep what they have that they toggle between being exploitative and throwing people under the bus when things get  bad for them.

It believe that it is their very right to go for things at the cost of others which are less fortunate than them simply because they can, and upward mobility is what our present society can offer. To these people, they switch between oppressive and also floppy when things do not go their way. It is these people that I wish to teach them a lesson. Hence it is to these people that I appear the stupidest because they will get nothing out of me. Even if I hold a treasure map, I will pretend to hold a piece of dirt.

The funny thing about these people is that the amount of trouble they go through to deny people opportunities far exceed the effort they put in to upgrade themselves. They constantly come up ruses firstly to discourage people, make them look like fools and the odd one out and also at the same time make everyone feel inadequate.

These are ruses, simply because  they were not true at all. Because I act stupid, and they continue to come up such elaborate ruses that I wonder why they don't spend more time solving real life problems than actually appearing to solve them. Hence for that one year, I let them take charge. But boy, do they screw things so bad that they upset the rhythm, makes up funny excuses for their inadequacies, stonewalling everyone and everything and even laugh at their own inadequacies in order to still look good. If you try your best, I can understand the latter, this means that the opposite person makes up tricks to deny you- but you are the perpetrator and culprit, what right do you have to look good and proud. But of course, I just look foolhardy- because I wont point out their shortcomings, that is their problem.

You see, for these people whom I will most likely not meet again- I can tell you that you will be stuck in these mindless tautology of mindless blame game and circular name calling and will always be mired in desperate mediocrity because in reality, you are a coward which refuses to face up to the truth. No, I will not be the one to shake you out of your over-confidence, you don't deserve my time.

I will reserve my time for the people whom I mention in the earlier post. They know what they want and they know what is the obstacles and hurdles they face and they face it head on. For these people, I will reserve my harshest comments for, simply because they deserve it more than a mindless prick which is playing games in his own head.

P/S: I can quote you two examples, 1) I would raise red flags if a company continues to change a policy and even refuse to pay me. That is quite a big company- it is a multi-billion dollar MNC headquartered in SG. It was almost quite ridiculous that it was trying to risk not paying someone and  act so flippant about it. Of course, as a fool, I have to leave in a huff- against my better judgement of course. And say, you don't need to pay me. Any other day, I gather evidence and go straight to MOM. But since I don't have evidence, I will leave out the name for now. They know who they are.

2) How can I work for someone whom ask me about women more than I can about my work. Whom actually, try to screw me in front of everyone and I simply said nothing. Of course, since they want to be the king, I came up with lamest excuse and left in the most dramatic fashion, this is to show how stupid I was in and they have won. They did, I planned my defeat by simply letting them win. Then thereafter, they send me a bill to pay for some expenses 6 months. Since the experiment was over, I simply send them back a letter, word for word and say that they did not write to the letter. They did not send me a bill again.

3) I fail the school exams because I wanted to follow the law and see how things pan out. It was actually quite funny that, my computer broke down twice in two different exams. I myself cannot even explain it. I mean any other person would be angry and I was, they even send some people to distract me. Of course I fail it and I fail it the second time because my assessment was so bad that I had to score close to perfect to pass and so I had expect myself to fail. I did so badly for the assessment and did it against my better judgement because I wanted to see how it works to follow the law. I actually hand in an assessment that at the back of my mind that I knew would get bad results. Hence I am more than ready to repeat this module- and quite frankly I want to repeat this module because this was an important module and it was critical to get it right. I did not grasp it well enough, I want to retake it.

But some jokers in my class thought I was inept and I allowed them to let them think likewise hence coming to the end of the whole course: one by one ate their words. I did not want to prove them wrong- because, if I did, this means that I have to point out their weakness which is just plain short-sightedness. I really don't think they were worth my effort

The experiment was over and when the computer broke down again, I knew I was going to repeat my exam anyway and so I make a huge drama blaming everyone else and accepting a zero. You see a zero means you did not attempt the exam which is true. They save my face and I intend to take it.

And when the new year started and ended my experiment, having seen through their true colours, I did not trust them at all and I just gave them wide berth. It was not surprising from my perspective- but for them, how did a fool became so savvy. Haha...

Of course, they continue to taunt me and say like I was anti-social, weird  and stuff. Well, I know why, they just don't, that's all.

From now on, if people were to tell me that I cannot hire you or cannot trust you because of your past, my first thought is that: you have been conned. I am a "fool" and not a con man- if you don't know who is the con man, you have to find out yourself. A "fool" is many times better than a "con" man.

I have no issue with my work ethic and capability. I worked 7 days a week for 2 years. The only thing I do not know is how low people can go- it is really low, I realise. This one year proved to me one very simple thing: people have to be controlled. Not everyone is like me which will push even if no one is breathing under your neck. They will cut corners when given any chance. I gave them one year to prove me wrong- and everyone proved me right.

 And if you cannot even see the facts right in front of you and make the correct picture of who is the good and who is the bad one. There is nothing I can do for you.

Hence leaving somewhere else is never a problem for me- I wont die. Meanwhile, you just have to suffer each other that's all.

Since everyone want to throw a PR campaign to discredit me in every way- you just have to find another target next year that's all. And if I am still around, you cannot accuse a person the same thing twice, that is call double jeopardy. No one believes you anymore. There is nothing wrong in being different, there is something very wrong if you are "morally wrong". In Malay, there is something call "Bijah Lobang". You have wasted your chance in really criticizing me, because it was served back onto you.

You lose, I win.

[ I told you, nothing happened coincidentally. I have mentioned this and even warned you before. You just don't believe me that's all.]

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