Wednesday, July 03, 2013

On Madness and "Me"

On how not to be unpopular. I just recently replied on the post of friend and due to my "weird" past, I was immediately deleted from the friend list. Yes, I am feel abit sad. But I am even more sad for her for the extend of the action. You see that, it is funny how people with little understanding of other's can go into an overkill about everything.

I have written once about that madness is symptomatic in parties, groups and epochs- that is one of the phenomenon of it. Think about this regression line around the dots, assuming that I am really weird, and really strange in my action- the scary part is when I act randomly like I go in a violent fit. That would be on the line where I am at the highest risk, which means that I am at risk to you. But what if I replied you on online and you never meet me, this means that I am a constant on the regression line isn't it- even I am truly crazy, at what risk am I a person on the other side of computer unless I can worm into the computer and find you via the fibre optic lines.

In my view, this an action of paranoia, if let's say that you a normal person and there is really a normal line- your action is more risky- since you are acting at the top of your regression line isn't it-than an abnormal person since you acting in a manner which is more volatile than a person whom is acting coolly.

And so even assuming that I am mad, crazy and different, if I do not react to you- what risk can I be to a person than a "normal" person who react in a volatile manner. This means that if a mad person who is not volatile, can be considered a mad person than, why is a normal person who acts volatile more normal.

Hence let's say that I admit that I am mad, weird and crazy, why do I never react to any taunts- so how am I a risk to anyone and hence it begs the question earlier- who is mad: the group or the individual.

It begs an even larger question in life: if you are "mad" as a "normal" person which means you act in a manner which is at risk at yourself and those around you, how do you ever see the truth in life.

You can see why that I never bother about anyone whom pretends to know more about me or things than me about myself- simply because even you are "normal", you have not reach that level, where you can see things as it is yet.

I am not trying to display a superiority complex but if you are chasing you own tail, no one can tell you that you are chasing your own tail, only you can.

If I care enough for you- I will kick your butt and let you get out of your own spin but if I don't, is best to let you carry on spinning and then you will realise one day you are running circles. But since people think that I am "mad", whatever I say has no salience, so it is your problem right now.

I mean I care for you as friends or family even- but if I don't want to hear what I have to say, there isn't a need for me to get upset and tell you to listen to me. Hence, when I act randomly, I am perfectly prepare for the worse and it almost confirm that there is nothing worth anything here. This means that even if I care enough, sorry dude, I don't bang my head against the wall.

Don't need to get angry with me- and don't give me a chance to call you "mad" or the group "mad". Just move along.

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