Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ego, ambition and your super-ego run wild.

Do you know what is an ego? An ego is when your pride is torn apart by someone whom you deemed more inferior and then proven wrong.

Maybe, some people might have noticed that I have been partial to women. Maybe, that is why people have noticed that and then try to make comparison between women and myself. I don't find it insulting to have someone being better than me because of ideological reasons.

This means that as I say in one of my previous post from "The argument" in Monty Python's clinic, An argument is setting a preposition based on set of points and not the opposite gainsaying.

There was an incident when it is obvious that there was a female colleague of mine whom was obviously less capable than myself but was offered a position higher than mine and meanwhile I was making a lateral movement. I mean if it is a guy, I would get competitive and rub it in his face. But for women, you just don't do that. Maybe, the woman or lady colleague felt competitive and actually try to find a scenario of which that she is in a better position but sometimes the coincidence is so uncanny and I normally let it slide.

Anyway, even if the lady was trying to be sarcastic and try to rub it in the guy's face, it would be embarrassing to get into a "I am better/ you are better" type of argument with a girl. Not because men are better, it almost always seems bad no matter how you do it. But if you hire a lady like this, there isn't much I can say- I would rather hire a guy that will rub it in my face than a lady whom will hiding behind the moral face of woman and rub it in your face. I didn't really like that lady anyway but I treat all ladies as ladies.

Yesterday, this lady was trying to shove it down the throat of someone and made a decision that was really poor. I paid for my drinks and I just sort of want to collect my drinks that I have already paid than to queue up behind everyone whom have not paid. This lady in his zealousness to demonstrate her management skills told me flat out that I have to queue up and wait up behind everyone.

Always serve the customer that pays first- that is the first rule of business, otherwise, who is willing to pay first and get the product later and what is the incentive to pay first and get later. I didn't want to get into an argument at 12am in the evening and so I digress.

There were instances in classes that there was  a lady classmate of mine whom was blatantly trying to get ahead by trying to appease all the senior lecturers. And of course, me being a guy, I always play the gentleman first and pretend that she wasn't trying to be competitive. I mean if you want to get ahead and then start to do extremely risky things, it is really your problem and not mine.

The best thing I can do is to be a gentleman and treat you like a lady however misguided your judgement is. I have always say that it is your problem and not mine, if thing goes wrong, not just yourself is implicated but many people but not me at least.

Of course, some male lecturers with tails between their legs fell for it but of course, I just look away, this is a school and not a workplace. In any workplace, this will show and people will talk to a point where it will make things incredibly difficult for everyone. Such things are just not condoned now- especially so explicitly.

But in a class, most people just don't care. Like the girl who actually got pregnant just to get better grades. This is ambitions just gone haywire. This is a liberal society than before and many things are condoned just to let women get ahead. But if I am girl, I would not have done such a thing because as a guy I know, as far as this girl concerned, she is screwed.

No normal guy would want to get near her as far as we are concerned. A few years ago, I met up with a girl whose fiancé was 30 years older than her. She actually told me that "he was like a father to her". I was thinking in my head, she can be your father for crying out loud. But I almost choke on my pho but I said nothing. I only read about such people in the newspaper and I have not personally met such people and hence she came as a shock with her story. I sort of think that love has no barriers but the more I talk to her, it was not love- it was more like an innocent delusion.

She told me things like he brought her food when she was studying with her friends and she was very kind. I was thinking, you are 22 years old, why don't you be normal and go for some cute young guy than be stuck with a portly old man. By the way, when we spoke, that guy just passed away from heart attack. You might read the story in a particular tabloid but I am not going name names. Suffice to say, I wouldn't tell my story to the whole world about this should this happen to me- if I am the girl that is.

The more I talk to her, the more scared I got. She talk in a dreamy way like the deceased fiancé was a knight in shinning armour- someone really did brain wash her brain clean. If she watch sufficient tv and internet, I don't think anyone would think in this manner. I am worried that she might be abit out of touch with reality.

After that lunch, I got abit queasy about her status and I try to give a slightly wide berth, Truth be told, she was very ambitious and she told me that "she had no doubt she would make it big." Before I knew too much, I was quite impressed by her. She carried herself very well and talk very maturely in a manner which is quite unlike for someone her age- she was not giggly or cracking silly jokes. But I cannot help it that the strange relationship is abit hard to bear- I like mature ladies who knows what they want and can act without fuss but it doesn't mean that I would find my grandmother.

There are no perfection, you just have to give and take. I like to think that I am quite mature for my age but I always like a hot piece of ass anytime and will do a stupid thing here and there but not stupid enough to screw things up totally. These girls above brought it to the exact opposite and I have this funny feeling that they screw up their life for something quite abstract.

I always enjoy a flutter here and there when comes to ladies but I don't play safe and go for a grandmother, that is just way too ridiculous.

So if you have the characteristics of the women I mentioned above, I am not to judge but I really feel very uncomfortable to the extend that one will do to get what one wants. I mean it is your life- but just try to sort your life first and don't try to get me involved. I would rather get ditzy girl anytime and get myself entangled in such a complicated relationship.

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