Saturday, June 29, 2013

What you see is what you "get"

So if you have read the previous posts, you would have realise that why there is no qualms about leaving at all. It is not because there is nothing here for me, it is not because I burn all the bridges or I am too embarrassed to see them. In reality, it is the exact opposite, I do not want to meet them just so they can justify their position.

I am in reality trying to avoid them and not the other way around. Friends are friends, but I don't need to feel that just because one needs to feel needed, superior or happy, I should be use as someone to validate their position.

The funny thing is that they always seem to form the causation of their relationship between them and myself just to prove how important they are to me. I just find it extremely tiresome having to placate them. Look I respect your opinions and yes I will take them into consideration like what I did in the last two post, but it doesn't mean that you are the reason for everything. I don't want to break it to you but I just find it a chore just to keep a semblance of sociability just for you to fit the points on your linear regression. This means that I have to show that I need you to form some of relationship or correlation and extract a regression line but in actual fact, you are tiring me out.

You see I fudged the experiment just to placate you- I think I am friend enough to you. Hence I am leaving without a tinge of guilt or regret and leave without any baggage. I have been telling everyone about this idea of ecological fallacy and screaming at the top of voice about the above, but no one actually believed me. Hence I have to continue present a phenomenon to let you believe your "luck" or "self-image" in this case. I don't want to deal with a hysterical person.

You see the difference is that is exactly what I have been saying for so long but no one actually believed me until I speak in mathematical analogy- it is still an analogy isn't it.

Sometimes, I even know what is happening, I just simply avoid asking question, just to make you think that I don't know and just to let you believe that there is still a "correlation" in this case. But in reality, I don't quite care whether you call me out or not.

The best part is that I think deep down, they know I am just patronizing them and they suddenly form a negative relationship. Which means having a y value negatively correlated to variable which is himself/herself. This means that the more negative the relationship, the high the return or value.

I can safely tell you that, I have to "complement" this negative relationship, I  have to pretend to care enough for you just so that you can get complement your y value and make sense of your warped world. The strange misunderstanding in school, all the various social mishaps, I have to take a smiley face, just to make sure that at least you think you know what you are doing. In effect, I have to complement your "worldview".

Take this: I gave you the y you need, to let you think the linear regression is efficacious. The causation is you and has nothing to with relationship and equation. If I don't give it to you, you will become crazy and hound me further non-stop.

I can tell you that this is the cause of my leaving. The lack of social sensibility of understanding even basic relationship makes it tiring for me to continue a relationship which is predicated on trying to present something which complements a "narrow-minded" sense of a social being.

A few months back, I wrote about being popular. Being popular and being sociable is two different things. What makes you popular doesn't make you a social person. That is as far as I have done, hence that is why I think I don't owe anyone anything. Let's just put it this way, I am everything and anything that you think that I am. I am the bad guy, the lecherous guy, the crazy guy, the carrot guy, the rabbit guy, the good guy, the weird guy, the unfillial guy, the lazy guy, the spendthrift guy, the cheapskate guy- I am everything, just to prove that you are right, and so that you won't bother me and get under my skin.

But deep down inside, it is gnawing you inside. So you see, you know why I don't really give a damn- the joke is played doubly played back onto you. You believe the relationship without knowing the cause. You believe you are the happy- and my favourite analogy, the pig in abattoir!!

The money I owe is already paid back doubly and triple in kind.

Remember that I told you, hell is other people, I have already mentioned it many times.

Fix yourself first, before you think you can fix others.

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